psychology, music, individuality, freedom,expression,small talk, wisdom,god,human behavior,sleep, daydreaming, wishful thinking.....
"There are some people who meet that somebody that they can never stop loving, no matter how hard they try. I wouldn't expect you to understand that, or even believe it, but trust me, there are some love that don't go away. And maybe that makes them crazy, but we should all be lucky to end up with that somebody who has a little of that insanity. Somebody who never lets go. Somebody who cherishes you forever." --- Ally Mc Beal
nothing in particulaR... but usually i listen to Loud and Angry music. Music is one outlet in letting out or expressing your emotions and mood....
sassy giRL, tHe cure, a little princess, reality bites, mad love, while you were sleeping, die hards, ten things i hate, land before time, beauty and the beast, E.T,kissing place, double dagger, the rock, face off, con-air
documentaries, news and public and current affairs.
Nothing in life is to be feared ... it is only to be understood