as of late: being anti-social. all the time: music, sarcasm, good conversations with good people. good people in general. coffee. dancing! arlen ovid cause we are engaged. i like taking walks with my daughter who is basically crazy in the best possible way. getting lost in my head.
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***every dumbfuck kid who has cursed at me through email this week. then i want to meet their mothers, face to face and ask them why in the hell they raised such rude offspring.***there's a lady that walks up and down my street who looks like a cross between andy warhol and david bowie. i want to hear her story. i want to meet anyone who has a story, or many stories. ***
stylish folks. i'm all about people with style, and i ain't talkin' about fashion.... ***
i don't want to be friends with your band ok?
bloc party
brendon massei
broken social scene
capitol k
death from above 1979
death cab for cutie (more so their older stuff)
dutch dub
elliott smith
the faint
her space holiday
kanye west
les savy fav
modest mouse
nada surf
patsy cline
portugal. the man
the postal service
sonic youth
yeah yeah yeahs
that basically covers today. i like variety overall
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Almost Famous, Casino, Amelie.... fuck the rest. I have never seen Star Wars and that seems to bother everyone except me.
David Sedaris is fucking awesome, I just finished "Me Talk Pretty One Day"
be a hero, not a zero.