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About Me

just another artfag tryin to make his way thru...recent transplant to portland and the great white north( or as i like to call it, "crackatown" )...been in the body-mod industry for the past eight years...right now i'm currently workin at "Lady Luck" as the resident body piercer( big ups to the family )...hoping to expand my style and soon to be bringin my craft to the flesh...i also do a little free-lance work in my off time, if anyone is interested feel free to hunt me down...cheers

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

art(in any form...), body modification(especially tattoos and piercings...), big comic book nerd, anime and cartoons(adult swim rules...), big fan of the absurd and strange...

I'd like to meet:

really i'm up for meeting anybody, like-minded or not, doesn't matter too much to me.., definitely no fan of bullshit or drama.., just looking for people w/a good soul to connect w/...


system of a down, calexico, rolling stones, the black keys, mindless self indulgence, black eyed peas, matisyahu, mastodon, wu-tang, diesel boy, fiona apple, turbonegro, k.west, james brown, blind melon, spor.., pretty much anything with intelligence and soul...


horror, dark comedies, drama, anime, kung-fu flicks, pretty much anything w/gore and violence, or just plain weird will do me right...


big tv nerd, probably shouldn't watch so much...


huge book lover...really almost any subject...


i guess i'd have to give respect to all the people out there who have inspired me, whether it be in my art or in life..,w/out them i most certainly wouldn't be what i am now..,whether that's good or not i'm not quite sure...hahaha

My Blog

back from atlanta...

once again i’m back in portland from my month long jaunt to always i had a wonderful time and am truly thankful for everyone i had the chance to see and hang out with...for everybod...
Posted by adam on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 02:12:00 PST

back in ATLANTA 08...

its that time of year again, and i'm happy to say that i'm gonna be makin my way back out to definite dates yet, but it will definitly be mid-feb after valentine's day...once again i'll be...
Posted by adam on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 03:07:00 PST

adam back in atlanta: THE INFO

just a head's up to everyone in the ATL...i'll be back in town jan.29th thru feb.11th...while back, i will be doing a guest spot at "DEVOTION TATTOO"...if anyone or their friends has any interest in g...
Posted by adam on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 05:05:00 PST

our journey to the great white north...

i guess on the most part i'd have to say our travels were pretty uneventful, took 6 days instead of 4, but hey we're lazy what can you expect.., the drive was good, no issues, guess we were blessed b...
Posted by adam on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 01:06:00 PST

'a' says good-bye to the atl...

as everybody knows already, today is my last day here at the studio...i just wanna take this chance to say thank you to everyone for the past seven years.., its been a great time here in the suburbs, ...
Posted by adam on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 12:08:00 PST