I am a huge reader. I love books. A couple of years ago I was stuck in a reading rut so took inspiration from the BBC top 100 reads and since then I have discovered many books and authors that I love.
I am interested in the stories about the power of Vril and have read Edward Bulwer-Lytton's book "Vril - The Power of the Coming Race". I have also been researching this subject on the internet. Whilst researching Vril I also became interested in the theories about Thule and Hollow Earth theory.
I am a huge fan of the film "The Wicker Man". When I first saw it at age 15 it completely blew my mind. The atmosphere of the film is just amazing, they certainly don't make them like they used to.
I also love Jeff Wayne's musical version of HG Wells' book The War of the Worlds - it was the most apocalyptic thing I had ever heard and it still scares me half to death if I listen to it on my headphones at night.
I love the images of bands such as Laibach and Der Blutharsch. I really like the look of military uniforms.
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