WHAT AM I INTO? NIGHTLIFE! [chica-boom-BOOM-chica-boom] ...DIRTY, NASTY, FILTHY DISTORTED BASSLINES... even DIRTIER venues, and even dirtier PARTYGOERS-the audiophilic creatura nocturnum... i must agree that i 'clean up well', but nothing gets me going like playing (and/or indulging in) an impromptu, over fire-capacity, hands in the air, fucking on the dancefloor, could-be-shut-down-at-any-moment PARTY!!! i am the guy who accidentally got funkfest3 shut down haha and after all this time i STILL chuckle vividly remembering some cops futile attempt to stop a moving 1200....it took 'em at least 5 minutes on stage randomly hitting every switch and turning every knob in visible range haha) ...i LOOOOOVVVVE being on stage or in a booth ferociously making love to (SPORT-FUCKING) a mixer and watching dancefloor energy risE. ...being IN the crowd, being ONE with the crowd -and feeling the energy of a couple hundred to a couple thousand people crammed into a small, dark venue with conventional sound and mediocre lighting, asses 'n elbows, throwin down like there is no tomorrow!!! ...flying... love pullin hard neg/pos Gs, spins, being inverted. aerobatics and buzzing peoples houses are the next best thing to sex and making a packed crowd wet til the sun comes up... now if i could only figure out how to fly inverted while fucking X3 and breaking a mixer, and i will have reached nirvana...the staple products? art, fashion, photography, rf-av, abnormal psych, NLP, the resilient human body, human behavior... BASICLY... engineering anything that i can slap together and reverse-engineering anything that i come across and then rebuilding it into whatever my little heart desires ...to include people and music...BUT for the better =) the true definition of A&R is 'Advantageous & Resourceful' ...deductive logic + lateral thinking = you can always be 6 steps ahead and ensure that things turn out the way that you want them to. BUT make sure its a 'win-win'... cuz karma is a mofo. and be nice to everyone. you never really know who happens to be howard sterns helicopter pilot or lindsay lohans personal assistants best friend- and they will never tell you unless they see that it could help you in some way....because you were nice =) ***********************************************************
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Your Birthdate: July 12
You're a dynamic, charismatic person who's possibly headed for fame.
You tend to charm strangers easily. And you usually can get what you want from them.
Verbally talented, you tend to persuade people with your speaking and writing.
You are affectionate and loving, but it's hard for you to commit to any one relationship.
Your strength: Your charm
Your weakness: Your extreme manipulation tactics
Your power color: Indigo
Your power symbol: Four leaf clover
Your power month: December
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?***BEFORE YOU REQUEST "ADD TO FRIENDS"- well, hello there. all of my "friends" on here are and will be- FRIENDS, people i was INTRODUCED TO by a friend, or cool people that i've met on a chance encounter. Not to sound like a d!ck, but please-if you want to request me as a 'friend', profile-surfin FRIENDWHORES NEED NOT APPLY!!!
If you take the time to read my profile, THANK YOU!!! if we have stuff in common (see general interests), by all means, DROP ME AN E-MAIL!!! in a world of mediocrity, its REFRESHING to meet some cool peeps. but again, i value my friends and don't want to subject them to being baraged, stalked, or molested...unless they want to be. IF THE SHOE DOESN'T FIT, DON'T REQUEST....IF IT DOES-WELCOME TO MY WORLD.
...Television gives you cancer...man, i thought everyone knew that...
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fav of all time? on the road. don't really read much fiction though. guess i'm kind of a closet dork who gets off on figuring stuff out and learning- hence the 'professional student' status. jung- man and his symbols, neuro-linguistic programming, medical journals, the DSM IV, mags- popular science, psychology today, time out NY, time, mixer, and of course 'US weekly' and 'ok!'
MY BIGGEST HEROS??? anyone who has the balls to live a life they've always dreamed of ...if you're not taking steps to do so, then you're walking in the wrong direction and just scared to try out of fear of failureYou Are 91% New Jersey!
Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
How New Jersey Are You?