Everyone spends a couple of dollars each month on something they can go without. Maybe for you it’s a midnight run to a fast-food restaurant. Maybe it’s a movie rental. Maybe it’s a mocha. For the cost of only two mochas a month, you and your friends - together - can change lives. The Mocha Club is about community amongst friends, but more importantly, it’s about joining together to provide hope to our community in Africa. As a team leader, you start your team with a personal commitment of $7/ month. You then grow your team by inviting friends. Every team member can also invite friends to the team. The fun part is watching your team grow and, as it does, knowing that you and your friends are transforming the lives of more and more Africans. Each month you’ll receive detailed updates on the projects you’re supporting through our Mocha Blog, and you’ll see a tangible example of the change your team is making in Africa! As a Mocha Club member, you can also build your online profile and add a photo to let other members in the Mocha Club community know what you’re all about. It’s time to make the difference you have always wanted to make.
THIS PAGE IS NOT THE MOCHA CLUB! Join Mocha Club now at www.mochaclub.org !
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Join Mocha Club now at WWW.MOCHACLUB.ORG !
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All of our Mocha Club members across the country!
My Blog
Visit our blog at blog.mochaclub.org. Posted by Mocha Club on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 07:25:00 PST