About ME... hm There is so much, I truely believe I have been given a blessed life. I have been able to experiance so much and I am only thirty TWO!!!!!! I have been able to meet and talk to so many wonderful people in my life. I am sourounded by awesome people! I have been able to do many things and still am HERE and will continue to move forward and do the best I can! My life has been a learnning experiance and I hope anyone who is readinrg this, your life has been to. Learn and grow form your acheiments and MISTAKES. DO not be fooled the mistakes are the best!!! LOLOLOL I LOVE THEM! I love all kinds of music. I espeacially love the groves that go deep into my soul, You know the kind, that make you go o SHIT this is it and you find yourself on a different plain shakin your ass!!!!! Yoga and massage are my passion allow me to experiance it with YOU!!!!! Things are good and I just want to thank the higher spirit for everything I have recieved. I am open for the vissions and massges sent to me, allow me to be open to the positive energy and allow me to pass it on!!! THANK YOU FOR EVERTHING LOVE JEREMY
porcelain goddess: my body's a temple
jeremy machine by reve