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a child call it Yea this is a paper i wrote last yr in college i wanna see if u guys have any inputs to it..........Stephen Ubinas English 101 Section 48 Free WillAh, yes free will, the decision to control your life and your choices. Therefore, I ask you just how much free will do you actually have when deciding decisions that u make. Do you truly have the power to decide on your own, or not? Just think about it for a minute. How much control do you have, do you know? When you wake up in the morning and start to get dressed, you have two choices a green shirt or a dark blue shirt. Both shirts match, and you equally like both of them the same. You ask yourself which one the truth in the matter is that you went back and forth for five minutes and then finally pick the blue shirt. Why? Have you ever noticed that you were leaning towards the blue shirt from the beginning. I bet you never realized it though. Think about it for a second. Have you ever been driving and came to a street where you were able to make a left or a right, having both ways take you to the same place. When you come to the intersection at the very last second you go right instead of left. You were asking yourself which way to go and never really made a decision but in the back of your head, you knew you were going to make the right. Hard determinism is a belief in which a person believes that the past controls the future, as well as basic instincts. It basically is a belief that is a chain reaction. Everything that happens shapes the future, which shapes the decisions that you make. Your experiences affect the tone for the next experiences of your life. Take for instance your playing hide and seek with friends. You hide in the bushes because it seems like a fairly good hiding spot. You are sitting their hoping they do not find you and you feel a sting on your leg. The next thing you know you are fighting off an army of bees. At the end of the battle, you are stung seven times throughout your body. From that day on if you see a bee, you enter into a stage of panic becoming petrified of a small bee about the size of a quarter. For this is your reaction for the rest of your life. Simply your future is decided by your past. Your basic instincts as well are predetermined by previous situations and knowledge as well as knowledge you have at your own discretion. Lets say you are driving and a huge accident happens and you turn and maneuver the car in a certain way when you were seventeen. Now lets say if you were ever seventeen again on the same day of the accident with the same cars and the same intersection at the same time. You would react in the same way. Your basic instinct is predetermined already; you are just unaware of it. I for one believe that you as an individual are born with every solution to every situation you are faced with throughout your life. It is just this knowledge is held in your subconscious. You as an individual have a response to every question you are asked, are you not? Well you say that most of the time you say that you do not know in reply to a question. Well is that not a response. Or lets say that you met this wonderful girl, so you think about it and you are convinced that you are in love with her. The truth of the matter is that you already know that you are in love with her; you just are not fully convinced yet so you ask yourself to reinsure your natural thought. However, if you were not in love you would not have to ask the question. You asked the question to yourself because you already knew the answer to the question. Now I must also present you with the facts of the other side, the libertarianism side of this matter. Libertarians simply believe in free will as so does the church. They as most people believe that you make your choices as they come to you. In reality, you actually do physically make the choice or a decision. Yes, I will go, you made the decision, but it is your subconscious intuition that has made the decision for you. People do not see it but there is something that controls you parse, guiding you in your decisions that you make. The church calls this the Holy Spirit but I say it is your unconscious mind telling you the answer. Libertarians would say that it is your choice to be afraid of bees or that it was your choice to wear a blue shirt. Is it though? Is it your choice, or did something subconsciously have the answer to the choice you have to make. Whether you believe what I say or not, ask yourself the answers to this question, for it has the answer. Did you really decide to wear the blue shirt to work today or is it that you had already made the decision to wear the shirt that day without you even realizing it in your conscious state. So I leave this with you, do we really have free will?
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