Zenwalk (Ken Burridge) profile picture

Zenwalk (Ken Burridge)

Follow your own path...it's the right one!

About Me

I recently decided that I needed to force myself into early retirement and work on trying to "relax" and enjoy the good life in a beautiful place, surrounded by wonderful people, doing fun/creative activities before I do get too old. So "What do you do?" I keep getting asked, well the short answer is...whatever I damn please! However, as we are all creatures of habit, I usually spend a good portion of the day catching up on the phone/email with family and friends from around the world. If the waves and weather are in sync then I go surfing for a few hours and try my best not to get fried or hit the rocks. If the waves are exceptional I'll pull out a camera and take a few shots of the action just for fun. However, when the mood hits me or an old friend/business partner asks for my help (or perhaps the waves just happen to be flat) I still tend to dabble in: internet publishing, TV/Film and music industries, because I still have financial interests, plenty of friends and contacts in those areas and the land of Oz is host to some amazing talent! "Who are you currently working with and who do you know?" I sooo much prefer the Aussie culture's: "How ya goin'?" as I really never did enjoy playing the Hollywood "name dropping" game or worse actually being somewhat forced to give out some substantial information that would no doubt start some sort of greedy feeding frenzy. However, just so I don't have to keep retyping this particular answer in individual emails...I have done work for/with: ev.com, ROI Records, 944 Magazine, National Lampoon, market.net and some folks at Playboy. Since I know that the questions won't stop there I'll go out on a limb and mention specific names especially since they all still owe me at least a drink (or more) for various reasons: Robert Levy (Artisan Entertainment, Tapestry Films etc.) Matt Dearborn (TV Producer/Writer) Derek Hunley (R.O.I. Records CEO/President) Darris Hatch (Producer and Talent Management) Dan Laikin (CEO National Lampoon) Kato Kaelin (New Projects National Lampoon) Todd Kellstein (Music Videos for Bon Jovi, and other fun stuff etc.) Kristi Cline (Playboy's Miss September 1999) Cristina Warthen (Scary smart/attractive and cleared of all charges in 2006) Now with that said...remember I'm officially "retired" and currently the beaches of Australia couldn't be farther away from some of those worlds (thank goodness) and quite frankly I may never do anything more with those companies or individuals again, but at least now we have something to talk about over a pint or two. A few FAQs: Are you the same Ken Burridge that: (1) Flew wide-body jets for Flying Tigers and Fed Ex? YES (2) Designed/wrote a "world simulator"? It was the RPG called GateWar actually, but YES(3) Has a Dr in Anthropology? NO that's a professor in New Zealand (4) Beat up the Bank of Ireland over BOI.biz? YES (5) Shucked clams for a living in Virginia Beach, Virginia? YES

My Interests

DTMB with 944

I'd like to meet:

I'm not here trolling for dates, but it's always great having a conversation with anyone that has a brain the size of a small planet, in lieu of that option I'll settle for a sense of humour.

My Blog


Well I'm still very much moving forward with my plans to setup production outside the USA... My final destination will probably be somewhere in Australia, but at the moment I've..made..a homebase in N...
Posted by Zenwalk (Ken Burridge) on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:47:00 PST