rock N roll, my band, guitars, tattoos,
Copy this code to your website/myspazz/face or whatever to display our banner, you sexy mother fuckers, ye!
The Posh
Its more a case of who I WOULDN'T like to meet:
People who let this shit website control their lives.
Indie bands.
Emo bands.
Clothing companies.
Fashionbilly poseurs and skanks.
Fucking sportswear metalcore sub-scally dickheads.
People who are under the severely misguided impression that Rave is cool again - suck my fucking balls, knobheads.
People who feel the need to put abbreviated initials in square brackets after their myspace profile name - just, why?
Definitely NOT your band, so don't add me, I'll just hate you more...
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Partridge, Brass Eye, Day Today, Harry Hill, King of the Hill
American Psycho, 1984...