Mic.B profile picture


I can only speak on what I been thru - Acts 4:20

About Me

Wow i'm actually updating myspace! Well at least a little. Anywho, I'm Mic.B also known as Moufpeace and I'm a sinner. Saved by grace. I despise religion, but I love my relationship with God. I hate tradition and I push towards everything the opposite. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I still go to church, but not out of tradition. Not out of obligation. Not bcuz my parents told me to. Not bcuz all my friends do. But bcuz I love God. Why? Bcuz He is God. If you had seen what I have seen, and experienced what I have experienced, you would love Him too. I love all men and women no matter the sin, no matter the race, no matter the religion. No matter if they try to destroy my life. Why? Bcuz we all have a part of God in us whether we choose to acknowledge it or not and ALL souls belong to Him. He loves everybody on this earth. If He didn't love just ONE of us, I'm convinced He probably would have come down off of the cross and said forget it. Bcuz He knew that the majority of us probably wouldn't believe in Him anyway bcuz we want to "fit in" and deny Him just like the rest of the world. If he didn't love JUST ONE of us I think He would have quit. Bcuz it took THAT MUCH LOVE to conquer sin, death & hell in one act. Would you let someone spit in your face, give you vinegar and gall (also spit) to drink, beat you and rip flesh from your bones and then nail your wrists and feet to a wooden cross only to raise you up so you can hang there and be mocked while bleeding to death? Do you love your wife that much? Do you love YOURSELF that much? I mean be completely honest. My point is, this is the reason I live. Bcuz He loved me enough to look beyond my faults and see what I need. And that's love. Everybody on earth searches for love at some point in life. I've found the REAL love. Not the one who will divorce you, or cheat on you, or leave you lonely. And His name is Jesus. He LITERALLY saved my life. If you wanna know, ask. But this is the reason I live. Get at me!Grace, peace & mercy be multiplied 2 u all, -Mic.B

My Interests


Member Since: 12/13/2005
Band Website: nureaumerica.com
Band Members: Mic.B
Influences: Too many to name but in a nutshell... Nureau Ink & God. All of my influences were influenced by God anyway so... God. Heh. There you have it.
Sounds Like: Whatever God wants me to sound like.
Record Label: Nureau Ink LLC
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

I'm Ready

I'm ready 4 change. Like for real this time. I'm willing to do the work that it takes. Thank you Lord 4 your grace & mercy that kept me until I decided 2 make the decision 2 change ...
Posted by Mic.B on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 10:37:00 PST

Judge Not

...that ye be not judged. I've been going thru some pretty crazy stuff here in the past year. 2006 was the hardest year of my life. no lie. but it was also the most victorious. as i'm speaking i'm spe...
Posted by Mic.B on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 01:04:00 PST

More Time

For all the working moms and dads out there... I realized even more so 2day, that my reasoning 4 starting my own business is even more important and valuable than I initially thought. I know now, that...
Posted by Mic.B on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 08:34:00 PST

U May Have Noticed...

Sup yall, you may have noticed that i have been logging in2 myspace periodically, and for good reason. just wanted to let you all know, i'm still on hiatus from this beast of addiction, but i only hav...
Posted by Mic.B on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 06:30:00 PST

Takin A Break

Gotta steer clear of myspace for a while... if yall wanna hit me up, then call me, if you don't know me like that, then email me... if you ain't got that... then oh well. lol. i gotta take a break fro...
Posted by Mic.B on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 09:24:00 PST

One Night Stand

Taken from the "Memoirs of the Bride of Christ" - by Mic.B  "2day I just wanna say that I don't want anymore "one night stands" with Him. I don't wanna just see & get intimate with Him o...
Posted by Mic.B on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:13:00 PST

2 Hell & Back...

Heh. I can literally say that i've been there and back... at least in my mind. Make of that sentence what you will, but it's the truth. I'm glad 2 say that i'm past the place where i was a couple...
Posted by Mic.B on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 07:52:00 PST

The G.O.A.T. of Birfdayz

wow.I really don't... know what to say.This birfday was the greatest of all time. i'm sure i'll have other great ones but for those of you who were there tonight at papa doc's, and even 4 those who we...
Posted by Mic.B on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 11:19:00 PST

Everything Is Gravity... Especially Kung-Fu

Quaddup yall, i'm just chillin at my mama's house watchin "unleashed" with some cats from church... just enjoying fellowship yah know? Jet Li is no joke. but i still feel that the cat from Ong-Bak The...
Posted by Mic.B on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 07:21:00 PST

Problem Solved...

Quaddup to all the ninjaz out the matrix... I'm so glad i am who i am right now. "O, Fortuna". Ya'll will hear about that later... Anyway, I'm just glad that I am who i am and that i go through what i...
Posted by Mic.B on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 08:53:00 PST