ChillWill profile picture


51,723rd American Idol Runner Up!

About Me

Drummer, Raconteur, Political Scientist, Harvard Reject (um, I turned them down...yeah, that's it), World Traveler, etc., etc. I once delivered a pizza to David Letterman on his show, and I've always been kind to dogs, horses and a couple of Democrats ;-).... I like Mark Twain, Shakespeare and that guy from the Oak Ridge Boys with the reeeeealllly long beard. Boxers, not briefs, and I actually think National Geographic is interesting for more than just the pictures.I'm a professional musician, and no, that's not an oxymoron. I've been on the road for almost sixteen years now, and I still love it. Not so crazy about the suitcase life, or Denny's, but I love meeting people and seeing the world. I've gotten to play some crazy good gigs - some favorites include: dc Talk, Steven Curtis Chapman, Erin O'Donnell, Mark Schultz, Cindy Morgan, Jessi Alexander and Travis Meadows. Since the beginning of 2007, I've been playing for the lovely LeAnn Rimes, and I think that pretty much rocks. ( it comes to the gear that I use, it's DW Drums, Paiste Cymbals, Evans Drumheads and ProMark sticks. I also use M-Audio products, ProTools, Logic, Ableton's Live, Spectrasonics' Stylus and Atmospheres, and Propellerheads' Reason.I love late night radio (thank YOU, Art Bell), good conversation, Indian and Thai food, java chip Frappuccinos, and finding ways to one-up Joeie Canaday...I get bored, 'cause it's so easy to do.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Music, Politics, Astronomy (ask me about The Ten), Reading, Triple-Creme Cheese, Playing with Tasers, College Football, Dark Chocolate (God Bless You, Scharffen-Berger) and the art of the Spiral Tube....

I'd like to meet:

Art Bell, Patty Griffin, Peter Gabriel, Paul McCartney, Manu Katche', Anthony Hopkins, Tim Burton, Click & Clack, Garrison Keillor, and anyone who's got a drummer joke that I've never heard (sorry- that person doesn't exist - heard 'em ALL - thanks, Maiya!)


Lately, it's been The Killers, The Fray, Amy Winehouse, Arcade Fire, Timbaland, Patty Griffin, Brandi Carlisle.


Braveheart (I know, I know - every guy who's read Wild At Heart says this, but I liked it a LONG time before that book came out), LA Story & Bowfinger (I love Steve Martin), Rushmore, Lost In Translation, Broken Flowers (also dig Bill Murray), Big Fish, Gladiator (I cried, okay?), Ray, Standing In The Shadows of Motown, Waiting For Guffman, Best In Show, A Mighty Wind, For Your Consideration, Trekkies, Walk The Line


The Office (I LOVE you,, seriously), any British comedy, but especially Fawlty Towers and Monty Python.... 24, ESPN, Fox News and C-Span (during bouts of insomnia)


I just finished Cormac McCarthy's "The Road." It may be the most haunting, most upsetting, and also the most perfect book I've ever read. In general, I love anything by: Peter Hathaway Capstick, Robert Ruark, John Steinbeck, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Garrision Keillor, C.S. Lewis, Stephen Hawking, Voltaire, Machiavelli, and whoever writes all the _______ for Dummies' books - I owe you everything.


Jesus Christ. The Men and Women in our Armed Services. Brak. And Chris "Lush" Dowis.

My Blog

Hersheys Commercial....
Posted by ChillWill on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 07:06:00 PST

Cool stuff going on....

Been awhile since I’ve posted anything here - just wanted to give a little update. I’m gearing up for tour rehearsals with LeAnn this week. I’m so excited to be doing this tour wit...
Posted by ChillWill on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:50:00 PST


SO, I just finished up a new project with the band Brer from Tampa, Florida. My official title was Producer, but I also earned a few other monikers as well: piano hack, guiro master, Bronchitis Boy, ...
Posted by ChillWill on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 12:55:00 PST