Your Aura is Violet
Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!
The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say
Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony
Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach
What Color Is Your Aura?href="
XQuY29tLw==" target="_blank"
People, music, artwork, poetry, metaphysics, philosophy, psychology, astrology, dancing, camping, traveling, four-wheel'n, motorcycles, motorcycle rallies, boys, girls, frisbee golf'n, parties, drum circles, boating, skiing, snowboarding, hiking, swimming, concerts, local music, broadway, and anything I've never done before.
I would like to meet all of my heros, So many... too many to write.Anyone who's got something to say! I love people, and the best part is... you'll never meet the same one twice!
I will admit, I'm a music junkie. I love it all! Blues, Funk, Reggae, Trip Hop, Electronic, Rock, Hip Hop, Oldies, etc... I'm a really big fan of world and celtic music. I'm forever finding new music! Some of my favorites include: Tool, Sublime, Led Zeppelin, Dave Matthews, Flyleaf, Muse, Perfect Circle, Incubus, Les Claypool, Kan'nal, Frank Sinatra, The Grateful Dead, Kruder & Dorfmeister, Massive Attack, Hooverphonic, Mono, Dragonforce, Enduser, Bjork, Prodigy, Portishead, Buddha Lounge, The Doors, Orbital, Liszt, Swollen Members, Vas, Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, Infected Mushroom, Morphine, Tchaikovsky, DeadCanDance, MoZella, Sierra Swan, Disturbed, Studebaker John, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, Thievery Corporation, Frou Frou, Sarah Mclachlan, Louis Armstrong, Pendulum, Mr. Bungle, Silent Civilian, Bleed the Sky, Coldcut, BT, Olive, and so many more. I really like music without words... then you can interpret it however you want, or if its sung in another language, I like that too. I've heard some french hip hop that I really like, as well as african groove... Love it! I'd have to say my favorite instruments are the sexyphone and the piano and hand drums.
My favorite local musicians are: XzenTradi, Ouroboros, TheDebiGrahamBand, Kno-1, NasteeN8, Spearit, Frysauce, Sawed Off Smile, Wisebird, Jebu, Shaky Trade,The Kapp Bros. and Hatepiece
What the Bleep Do We Know?, Down the Rabbit Hole, Cosm, Waking Life.
No. Ok, Family Guy.
Celestine Prophecies, The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan, Bringers of the Dawn, Mutant Message Down Under, Light- Medicine of the future, Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code, Hands of Light, Be Here Now, The Stranger, Singularity, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Repair, The Great Thoughts, Meaning and Medicine, and anything on ancient philosophy or metaphysics. Generally don't read too much fiction unless there's some metaphorical meaning.
Mother Theresa
Martin Luther King
Alex Grey
Anyone who stands up for what they believe and speaks their mind for the benefit of all.
The many men and women taking risks and standing up for our freedom, safety, individuality, progression and peace.
I have utmost respect for teachers, leaders, scientists, writers, musicians, artists, activists, caregivers and everyone who walks with a purpose.
"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself"
"I may not agree with what everyone says, but I will listen with an open mind and love you for being you."-eriKa
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