I'm interested in a lot of things. I love and hate politics for one. I don't have any sort of formal education on them, but I do have what I feel is a healthy sense of outrage.I'm also pretty into the sciences. Nothing too deep. I know quantum physics is picking up some popularity among the neo-hippie crowd and that kinda drives me nuts because I think they're missing the point, which I believe to be this: right now, without a unifying theory that binds gravity with the other three quantum forces there is no proof that quantum particles even affect us on the macro scale. So, no, quantum physics isn't gonna help you with your relationships, hippie. Also, take a bath.More than anything though, I'm interested in my friends, life, music, etc...
Anyone who is as passionate and concerned as I am. I'm really sick of deliberately ignorant, hopelessly apathetic people.Apathy is the glove into which Evil slips it's hand.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
I hate doing this section. Too many to mention, it would take me like an hour and it's just not worth it.
Eternal Sunshine, Vanilla Sky, Princess Bride, Fight Club, Highlander, The Fugitive, The Bourne Trilogy, The Fountain, I 3 Huckabees, The Secret, Stand By Me, so many others... I'll add as I think of them
Adult Swim and UFC. I don't have cable so my TV only comes on for video games. I hate television. If there's anything I really wanna watch I just find it online.
Ishmael and Story of B by Daniel Quinn are my two favorites. If you promise to read it, I will buy Ishmael for you, that's how much I love that book. I love anything by Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan. They're pop science of course, but there's a reason for that. I've read every Harry Potter book at least twice, haha. I liked Fight Club, too, but I can't stand anything else that Pahlaniuk has written. Also, I'm not gonna lie, I have a hard time with the "classics." I've never made it through an entire Dickens book and I probably never will.
I'm not sure I have any heroes. There are certainly people I admire, but I've pretty much been my own hero for most of my life.