Easy Now!
< > ..I build and run Easy Street.
For the last year or so i've been having reoccuring dreams of permanent buildings at Burningman.
Funny how things work out.
Do you want to do something or do you want to throw a party?A party is a celebration for creating something.Creation.
Create- ivity.
I'm not here to throw a party.
But we will celebrate.
I'm an artist. I evolve quickly so by the time you finish reading this, most likely it will be out of date.
Your first intuitive impression of me is right. Your first emotional response wil confirm it. Your second response is wrong. Your third will confirm the first if you ever get around to it. Your senses lie to you. Do you remember the moment you lost your curiosity for new people and began being afraid?
There are unicorns left. Some are hard to notice because their horns are still growing.
I'm abrasive but a harmless little fuzzball, and the proud opitome of morality and virtue with a little bit of a superman complex. It's kinda like a god complex, but i also care about a few other people too. I'm studying to become a theoretical sociologist, Self taught. I have little patience with those I consider wrongheaded or unintelligent, and show little restraint in demonstrating this. I work my ass off. I'm a sucker for a pretty face head case. My cycles are getting shorter. However, I do tend to be extremely genial, if not charming, when not being harassed by life in general.
I tend to have a perverse sense of humor as well, Sometimes my timing is off so if i don't throw in a JK it freaks people out. I enjoy playing devil's advocate. I sometimes confuse, even inadvertently hurt, those who don't understand or accept the concept of argument as a sport.
I speak in modern fables which tends to confuse those with short attention spans. Some people mass text fake personal messages. I personally send fake mass text messages.
You may remember me from my interactive performance art venue Easy Street, my failed bike propelled travelling karaoke bar Jim Diggidy's Unholy House of Kamikaze Karaoke and custom tailored bionic interchangeable spandex mini skirt/tube tops, a subsidiary of Camp Believe It's Not Butter, Kamikaze Waterboy from Black Rock City, Nevada, or the dust destroyed Karmakaze Karnival of Chaos. I'm very fond of "toys"--physical or intellectual, the more sophisticated the better. I tend to tire of these quickly, however, and move on to new ones. Right now i'm building an art studio to espace from a cubicle, but I always find time to squeeze in some tinkering, substance abuse and/or conversation as often as i can get people to crawl out of their caves.
I always have new projects. I'm doing 50 things at once or nothing at all. I'm different from whatever you're used to. I've been diagnosed with acute testicular elephantitus. From my experiences to date people love me or fear me right away, but eventually always love me. But by the time you get over your fear of me, you've fucked it up and i'm usually gone. I'm easily misunderstood. I get categorized. It's fun sometimes. I always have the best of intentions even when others don't. I might not be your cup of tea, but if I am, that's some good effing tea. I'm a people watcher and I study the human condition. I like to dress up. I will entertain myself & you at your or my expense.