~Hello friends! Thanks for stopping by! God bless you!My name is Jacqeem, the close ones call me Joc for short!
Well I would like to start off and say that I'm a God loving and fearing man! For the past year or so my life has changed for the better. With God being at the head of my life, He has helped me see what life and love is all about. God has helped me become a righteous and loving person! He can do the same for you! I once was lost but now Im found!!! With God in your life you cant lose~ With God in your life you can do all things~ With God in your life you have love~ With God in your life you have a protector~ With God in your life you have a Father~ With God in your life you have Strength to overcome~ With God in your life you have a future~ With God in your life you have power~ With God in your life you have a second chance~ With God in your life Even the impossible is possible! Man I can go on forever on how wonderful God is, but honestly I dont know what I would do without my Lord, I Cant make it without Him!"If God be for us, who can be against us"? God promises us so many wonderful things, but we have to be willing to sacrifice the things of this world,(which means give up some things) build a friendship and an intimate relationship with Him if you want to find your purpose in this world! God has gave me a drive to inspire and encourage those that are lost, confused, depressed and broken hearted! I was once suffering from those same things. God is amazing I tell ya!!! God pulled me out of those strongholds man! I can do all things now!! I have the victory! Thats what He promised me! I have to tell you, If you dont believe in ANGELS you better think again! God sent me many angels, and continues to send angels to help guide me, protect me, and to help bring me closer to Him. To name a few. God sent me an angel by the name of Tym Robinson, who helped me make this huge transition and take me under his wing and bring me to Christ! God bless you Tym I love you, my inspiration! Another Angel God sent to me is Rev. Pitts, who continues to inspire me and teach me about the Lord and helps me to stay hungry for the WORD. God bless you Rev. You are my inspiration and a true Warrior! Thank you Lord! ((O yea shout out to the whole New Hope Fam!)) I love yall!!! see you sunday!!!!If you need someone to talk to , feel free to leave me a message, Im hear for you! May God bless you in all your hearts desires. ((God is Love)) why fight when we already have the victory!!thadream~
I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!