people, action, web, psyche, language, spirit, varied spontaneous movement, substance, information-knowledge-wisdom, music, dreams, singularity, world, communication, learning, health, (un)reality, ecology, funkentelechy, exhaustion, place... ... ... okRealYesNowThings: bicycling, yoga, capoeira, dance, running, programming, violin, guitar, mandolin, guinness, dumpsterdiving, recycling, spanish, portuguese, listenlistenlisten
interdisciplinarians bent on squanderlust and revelation. autumn leaves and summer loves. wellspring popcycle zeit. indigenous creatures.
Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence. (-- r. fripp)
Just listened to:
Artists most listened to this week:
i prefer participation (to cookie-cutter culture)...
whose life will flash before your eyes?
here's what i've got checked out from the library
Noam Chomsky , Lawrence Lessig , Mestre Cobra Mansa , Steve Jobs , Joel Spolsky , Miles Davis, Terence McKenna , Alan Watts , Eric Raymond , Stuart Brand , Justin Hall , Yvon Chouinard , Jack Kerouac , William McDonough