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What we do here on earth heregoes an eternity~!So bring the smiles, sweet thoughts and unconditional love like many I know, and I will never leave your side. I love you...~PLURR~For the one I truly miss in absence...I miss you when you are not right here with me and I can't be without...Is that heart still mine?
The silence is beautiful....The music is inspiring that plays in my head and the music is deep that plays with my heart.Drum & Bass Hardcore...NEVER, EVER, EVER, KISS A MONKEY!
What Dreams May Come, Reqeuim for A Dream, The Princess Bride, Legend, Vanilla Sky, Casablanca, and of course the few series of cartoon mania which include: Pinky & The Brain, Invader Zim & SeaLab 2021
Why waste the precious moments in life avoiding interaction with others?
1984 - Big Brother is watching us! And all Orwellian theories... Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz World on Fire by Amy Chau The Future of Corporate Globalization by Jerry Sullivan Hearts in Atlantis by S. King ~ Watch out for the loud men in fast cars and large hats... My Name is Asher Lev - find this one on your'll be glad Edgar Allen Poe's works Dr. Suess' works Many, many more... to many to count.
Someone who can inspire me to become deeper, better, and more true to self. (Thanks for the encouragement, you know who)! Someone who can rave without being fucked up (Then you know you are a real raver). Someone who gives a sacrifice for themselves for the love they have for another. Someone who can smile through the tears and love in the face of scorn. Someone who can care unconditionally for the others within this human race...Someone who realizes that we are only, and all just human after all... Someone who opens their hearts after the demolitions of the past, someone truly true to their love for the beauty that surrounds us in the individuals we encounter... Why waste your time when you could be continually changing other's lives for the best and making a great place to pass along to the next generations~!