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Obligatory greeting!

About Me

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My Interests

what do i like? well, cleaning and ironing and having babies, all the things a proper girl should like! or just good ole rock and roll. i don't know ... i like WAY too many things sumarize, so fuck off or be more specific. who's asking these silly questions?!why do i feel like i'm in a job interview?do i have a personality???? yes, i suppose so. deep within i'd like to think so. in the meantime i think i'll keep pretending to have whatever personality i feel like having at the time, if that's alright with the everybody ...... test

I'd like to meet:

i'm not sure that i'd like to meet anybody.....particular...


ahhh, the specs ..... i love, love, LOVE rock and roll from the 60's. and there's a good chunk of me that's still in the grunge phase ... (phase?). my roomate is getting her legs waxed, for summer. i'm getting more and more into rap from the late 90's (thanks a lot jesse and emo). i love some good ole ass-dirty punk rock so you can all SUCK IT. i utterly ADORE oldtime blues (i'm talking 19teens through about the late 20's you know). and i love 40's-60's jazz. geez. music is great. i like some country stuff in the Wilco vein of it. good ole Bobby D will remain my lover in song forever. and Skip James can rock my socks off any day of the week!! geez, there is a SHIT TON of music that is awesome, and so much more that is good, and an assload that is alright. i just love music.


OH MY GOD, the zombie movies are taking over my BRAIN!! i almost like them more than the history channel documentaries. seriously.ORSON WELLS is amazing, anything by him is such an eye boggler for me. i like WESS ANDERSON. a lot. a whole lot. i like every single shot in all of his movies, almost. ok, maybe not EVERY shot, but darn near. i like the guy that directed Talk To Her. man, i hope he makes some more stuff. i love HITCHCOCK and KUROSAWA. i like Ninja movies and tragic tales and mystery movies in general, but who doesn't?!! i've been seeing so much new stuff lately that i can't even keep up with it all!! i'll have to finish this when i have more time!!..


i don't get TV. but i like the basics of every good TV diet (for those of you richies out there that can afford it): THE SIMPSONS / THE FAMILY GUY / FUTURAMA / STRANGERS WITH CANDY / MR. SHOW / SEINFELD / KIDS IN THE HALL / SIX FEET UNDER / DINOSAURS / PR / SCRUBS / COLBERT REPORT / DAILY SHOW / ALL THE ADULT SWIM STUFF / FIREFLY / BUFFY / AMERICA'S TOP MODEL / DR 90210...............hah i don't know...tv on dvd is great, no comercials, just hours of fun! i think i might like other TV too, but i can't think of it right now because i haven't been near one in a while.


yes. they are good.VONNEGUT PALAHNIUK SEDARIS L'ENGLE EASTON ELLIS O'ROURKE WOLFE HAWKINGS mmmmm....books. more later. gotta go read, gotta go write.


EINSTEIN. egghead. wish i was an egghead like THAT guy. and i'm reading about Davinci and BOY, that guy was fucking .... just, wow! i would like to be an inventor, and i'm in love with all great inventors. they are my heroes (and monks, with all that self-discipline!).

My Blog

things and nothings..........

dreams and the supernatural, HAH, what a category!  i have been thinking of nothing but the very tangible for so long now.....working, eating, sleeping, paying bills......my vast amount of  ...
Posted by kadi on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 03:49:00 PST

burnt up from Boise PART .1

home sweet motherfucking home.   i LOVE it here, L O V E   I T   H E R E!!!!    i really don't stress that enough.   portland is my home sweet ho...
Posted by kadi on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 03:09:00 PST

i'm all tore up

but better for it. kd
Posted by kadi on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 02:49:00 PST

what has 2 arms & 2 legs but can't move either?

ME.  that's who! i'm SSSSSSHOOOOOO tired right now.  and i think i'd like to take a nap instead of work, but that, unfortunately is NOT an option.  whelll, in a day or two i think i'd l...
Posted by kadi on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 04:59:00 PST

my newest love....

last night we went to a magical new place. not really new, but overlooked and therefor unexplored... WE = myself, my band (Thom and Rachel, but Mitch couldn't make it), Jared, Joe and Kyla (Eugene...
Posted by kadi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST