Reading, writing, travels, and my friends. My goal is to find a way to incorporate all of them together(Haha!). I can't wait to finish school, It's not the learning that bores me, its that you have to be in such a closed enviorment. Many people put off living untill they are out of this almost mandatory ritual for the intulectually and monentary inclined, called college. There is so much out there to experience, and I want to do it all.
People who enjoy living. I want to be around people who see the world's problems; and instead of looking the other way, decide to dig in and help. I want to be around people who love to laugh and love to learn. It is a contagious way to live, and to surround myself with people like this would make me better. But they must understand that a night on the couch watching movies isn't so bad, as long as you're together. BMcover.jpg
I know it's vague to say I'm an eclectic, but I do enjoy a bit of everything. Rage against the machine, Drop Kick Murphys, and A.C.D.C. compete with James Taylor, Wilco, and Sam Cooke. My car is my kareoke machine for solo singalongs or with friends. If you live in Chicago and remember the old 104.3, we should get along fine. I love singer songwriters especially. Springsteen, Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot, Paul Simon. Its all mood dependand.
Stand By Me, Animal House, Boondock Saints, Blues Brothers, Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind, What Dreams May Come, Most cheesy 80's movies, Walk the Line, Man on Fire, Good comedies. I will admit sometimes I watch a movie just to turn my brain off, so stupid slapstick comedies can be put here as well as long as the humor is strickly toilet humor.
Don't watch much anymore (no time), but Sports, Simpsons, Family Guy, Cheers and A-team reruns pretty good.
The things they carried, The five people you meet in heaven, smoke jumper, First Blood
My mom and anyone who to takes the high road.
You are pretty much the coolest animal, a Liger.
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
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