Hannibal is my favorite general. The man drove elephants over the Alps to attack Rome. Sam Jackson should make a movie called "Elephants in the Mountains." Napolean is probably the greatest general of all time. He was able to conquer most of the "civilized" world with an army of Frenchmen!!!!! In thanks the French named a cream-filled pastry after him. Despite being a Nazi, Rommel was very good and had a cool nickname -The Desert Fox. George Washington was also a great general witha cool nickname (even though they probably didn't use it back then) - The Father of Our Country. How many chicks do you have to bang before you become the father of a nation? Wilt Chamberlain has 10,000plus. Did George Washington get with more freaks than that?? Maybe it's a population thing. I mean George only had about 3 million to work with and Wilt had about 225 million. So George really only had to get his freak on with about 150 women to completly destoy Wilt's ratio. I hate to bring it up, but there are those nasty rumors about George fathering numerous children on his slaves.
honest but not holier-than-thou, crazy but not psycho, funny but not snide, rich but not arrogant, beautiful but not narcissistic, smart but not know-it-all people that like to bullshit over a few drinks.
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It all sounds better if you are drunk. I am a bartender so I generally tune music out because it is constantly there and usually a song you've heard seven-thousand, four-hundred, and twenty-eight times. So when I'm chillaxing around the house I generally have the stereo off. That said I still like the Beastie Boys, Nina Simone, B.B. King, old Red Hot Chile Peppers, Johnny Cash, The Ramones, Black Label Society, The White Strips and various other bands. Oh and The Supersuckers are the greatest band in the world!!
I prefer the classics like Fletch, Animal House, Porky's, and Caddyshack. American Pie, Old School, and Wedding Crashers are also great films. I also like buddy movies-Lethal Weapon and Bad Boys, chick flicks-Clueless and Legally Blonde, mafia movies-Goodfellas and Scarface, Disney movies-Aladin and The Fox and The Hound, and war movies-Full Metal Jacket and Saving Private Ryan. Films I have to mention are Pulp Fiction, Serpant and the Rainbow, El Mariachi, Things to do in Denver When You're Dead, The Prophecy, Shakes the Clown, Nightmare on Elm Street, Ben Hur, Billy Madison, Sin City, Vacation, Excaliber, Cold Blooded, Major Payne, The Professional, Dazed and Confused....I could go on for a very long time here I've probably seen 1,500 movies from beginning to end. At least half of those were good enough to watch again and a hundred or so could get ten plays before I grew tired of them. The worst movie I ever saw was National Lampoon's Adam & Eve. The only reason I watched the whole thing was because the director of the film was the ONLY OTHER PERSON IN THE THEATER and the film was written by his son!!! That SUCKED.
The Daily Show, Simpson's, Family Guy, Cops, Scrubs, Arrested Development, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Airline, Reno 911, Fresh Price of Bel Aire, Jeopardy, South Park, Sanford and Son, Married...With Children, Always Sunny In Philadelphia
I read between 500 and 1000 pages a week. Seriously. Reading is my favorite passtime. I usually read fantasy books - Eddings, Fiest, Gemmel, Martin, Hobb, Jones, and canavan are some of my favorires. I've read David Edding's Belgariad series at least 12 times. I always start re-reading it if I run out of new stuff to read and don't have time to go to the book store. I also read some science-fiction. Orson Scott Card's book Ender's Game is probably my favorite singe book of all time. I would read that a lot more but I keep giving my copies to people for them to read. I also like biographies of world leaders and military leaders. I read a lot of history focusing mainly on medival Europe and the Romans. I also Like humorous books like Frank Kelly Rich's The Modern Drunkard - A Handbook for Drinking in the 21st Century (the also have a magazine and website that you should check out), Maddox's The Alaphabet of Manliness, and The Daily Show's America (The Book) to name a few. The Daily Show is also a good source of books. And Maxim Magazine since issue #2.
My buddy Brian for giving his kidney to his sis! I call dibbs on his liver if he starts giving more body parts away. Dog the Bounty Hunter. R2D2. The Holy Trinity of Jim Beam, Jack Daniels & Johnny Walker. The infamous (yet lovable) pirate Captain Morgan.