Conversation Suicide profile picture

Conversation Suicide


About Me

HERE is the quality mp3 streaming MUSIC by CONVERSATION SUICIDE from IACMUSIC.COM, from their NEW 2008 CD = "EBT - The Best of Conversation Suicide so far...". Currently on IACMUSIC.COM they have three singles in the TOP 20 of HARD ALTERNATIVE genre charts. Conversation Suicide is One of Tucson's most amazing underground collectives, that has been headed up by PHLEGM on BASS/VOCALS for over 5 years along with a hoary host of talented & creative musicians. Associating with this collective includes the benefit of being the house band at one of the BEST Tucson UNDERGROUND MUSIC Scenes available, at their practice space in the ARTFEST MUSIC HAUS. These Shows at PRINCEZZZ and PHLEGM's humble abode often draw more people than SOME of Tucson's sadly unattended clubs. ARTFEST provides a venue for Musicians who create & perform original music and are tired of NOT getting any reward for doing it. Some of Tucson's Finest Musicians have been in the band CONVERSATION SUICIDE and many of Tucson's FINEST Bands and associated musicians have played one of their EARLY shows, before local acclaim, at an ARTFEST show over the past 10 years. The foremost examples are the SIGNED band Sanity in DEATH (HAMMERMILL label) and regular ARTFEST LINEUP bands like The Diversion Program. Todd's ( FYP & TOYS THAT KILL) RECESS RECORDS Tucson band SWING DING AMIGOS also played an ARTFEST, before they were signed. Plus a few other SIGNED artists who were in unsigned bands previously, have done some time at an ARTFEST show in the early stages of their music careers. CONVERSATION SUICIDE, just finished recording its 3rd CD, "EBT", and it's soon to be finalized, mixed & mastered--in the meantime, you can hear it ABOVE from the IACMUSIC.COM much lauded indie website or go to CONVERSATIONSUICIDE.COM for many more of their previously recorded songs all beautifully mixed & mastered by Bradley Torrison of DARKSIDE Recordings and AREA 51 Studios. The first two STUDIO recorded CDs, "NOT A CHANCE IN HELL" and "Tucson Epidemic: Bands that shared the same Phlegm", have both been selling without the pretty packaging or BARCODE for $8.00 to $10.00, locally and abroad. You can order these sonically completed works NOW by mailing a $5 money order to the address listed under "record label" ABOVE or wait for the soon to be mass-produced, with GRAPHICS/LYRIX, etc., COMPILATION ALBUM-- "THE BEST OF CONVERSATION SUICIDE so far..." coming in 2008. ARTFEST MUSIC plans to partner with the INDIE label Kings= DISKMAKERS. This is a compilation of some of their best work 2000-2007. The D.I.Y. prerelease copy is available NOW from Phlegm, ARTFEST MUSIC (see aforementioned address listed under "record label") or at one of their upcoming shows.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/9/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Phlegm (VOCALS/BASS), D-Lo (GUITAR/VOCALS), and Dan (DRUMS), with an always changing cast of guest musicians...for that funky fresh original sound. Current Spotlight is on SETH of "Trend Velocity" & MACHINE for Lead Guitar on the soon to be released CD, "EBT". ALSO: Durty Mouth, C-NOTE, Young Soul Talent, Isaac, Young Money & BLOX for GUEST Rhymes. Studio and short-term touring Drummer for "EBT" CD coming out in LATE 2007 was AL (from the OUTPATIENTS and most recently SKYLOR).
Influences: you name it--if it's got a musical energy and passion--we're probably into it!
Sounds Like: YOU TELL US! Open your minds, listen & Drop us a comment--our 3rd CD is on the way...."EBT", which will include the beautifully digitally mastered version of the over 17 tracks, 4 of which you can hear on our MYSPACE page NOW. Watch for our upcoming CD release party, when the mixing/mastering and MASS production of the CD is finally completed in late 2007....
Record Label: ARTFEST MUSIC 916 S. Elmerita TUCSON, AZ 85710
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Thanks to ALL who attended ARTFEST 30, and made it such a fuckin success!

YEahhhhhhh boyeee   -- ARTFEST 30 turned out SO much better than it might of!  BY 10pm a few folks had erroneously been told it was cancelled, and then when the BEER KEG was tappe...
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 06:02:00 PST

FREE BEER at FREE SHOW 2-nite -- At the TUCSON Eastside PUNK HAUS! -- FREE BEER!

  Yup.  If you happen to be out ARIZONA way (usa), then CUM to the EASTSIDE Punk HaUS in TUCSON for ARTFEST 30!  It's a FREE SHOW with FREE BEER and FOUR hardcore/punk/metal/rock bands....
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 06:13:00 PST


 yes,  s'true: FREE SHOW    FREE BEER on July 4th, 2008  STARTS:   10pm WHERE:   La casa de Princezzz y Phlegm ARTFEST Haus of MUsic & Art The Ea...
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 12:21:00 PST

now 32 songs by CONVERSATION SUICIDE -- up on MYSPACE --CHeck em out--for PHLEGM PUNK-PHUSION

S"true.    Doing so well on IACMUSIC (Independent Artists Company) and their HARD Alternative genre charts,  We decided to ADD 32 of our ORIGINAL tunes on MYSPACE!   ...
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 02:25:00 PST


yup.   It's a party on July 4th, 2008.  FUCK gay-ass fireworks & family BARBEQUES!  IF you're down Tucson WAY -- CUM to the JOE BEER's BIRTHDAY BASH!  And celebrate our su...
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 01:49:00 PST

To all ELITIST PUNX & their friends who THINK theyre PUNK....

Yup.    We're gonna take over yer town.  Starting with TUCSON, ARIZONA & SHOW Y'ALL a thing or two about PUNK PHUSION!    That's right!  Deal with it.  &nbs...
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 11:22:00 PST

HEY ALL YOU Elitist PUNK mother fuckers! Stop bein fascist pigs & JOIN US on PunkRockers.Com

 yup.   Join  -- We need more REAL punk bands up in there to go with all of us punk-phusion dudes.   Really.   Please?   So what if your fr...
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 05:02:00 PST


yup.10 killer Tucson bands and CONVERSATION SUICIDE can all be seen at The ROCK for only $8 if you buy your ticket from Phlegm or D-Lo$10 at the door for ELEVEN of Tucson's bands on the rise.It's a GO...
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 04:46:00 PST

Congregation Suicide to SLAY Christians at the Bashful Bandit...

Yup. It's true. Check the Tucson Weekly.Congregation Suicide is apparently showing up this Saturday at our BASHFUL BANDIT gig to slay all the christians....CUM, participate in marvelous goat sacrifice...
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Sat, 24 May 2008 03:57:00 PST

Conversation Suicide to sign with ROMULUS X Records!

Yup.  It's really true.  Kenny Colgate of Romulus X Records began negotiations with Phlegm of CONVERSATION SUICIDE for joining the label with a BEST OF so far CD.   It'll probably be ou...
Posted by Conversation Suicide on Fri, 16 May 2008 04:55:00 PST