bike rides, birthdays, climbing fences, cookie zombies, creative writing + spelling, dancing it up, dinosaurs, diy (or rather: dio), fixing stuff, free living, healthy sexual practices, making things, mixtapes, muy thai, paper letters, picnics, radical cheerleading, sewing, solidarity, travelling, typewriters, worlds + universes ..
persyns who want to .. . collaborate on art projects, . swing on swings, . ride bikes, . write love letters (preferably containing mix tapes), . have long and serious talks, . discuss dinosaurs and/or cookie zombies, . eat ice cream, . laugh till our stomachs burst, . swim in the ocean, . build communities, . travel by foot, wheels, tires or flight, . theorize worlds and universes .. et cetera. applications are currently accepted.
ane brun, billy bragg, chumbawamba, david sandstrom, harris newman, laleh, le tigre, leonard cohen, levellers, lisa germano, looptroop, lou reed, manu chao, materia prima, mates of state, mazzy star, regina spektor, sergent garcia, stone soup, this bike is a pipe bomb, wendy mcneill ..
no, no movies
no, no television
YES. recommendations are currently accepted.otherwise: paulo freire, agnes martin, antoine de saint-exupery, bell hooks, janosch, emma goldman, linda weintraub ..
no, no heroes