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I have 172,624,955 friends
Jesus Christ
Comedian Jesse Cash
Mighty Miller
Hank Chinaski
Jake Jensen
Michael Bluth
Sailor Nick
I have more friends but some of them aren't real.
So here's the deal, I hate music - sort of. I guess there are good songs out there, maybe even good artists - MAYBE, but it is so subjective and people take it so personal when you don't agree with their tastes . . . like they wrote the music themselves . . . like their music's poop don't stink. So I hate Bjork, that over-rated wacko, and now I am dead to you?! I don't openly disagree with people's music prefferences unless I dislike the person. Hipsters, for example. There is no better way to get to a self-indulgent music douche hipster than to put down their music, which is easy to do - Aeosop Rock sucks, Tori Amos sucks more - SEE! I live for it. Hey! Here's a musical gem. Hipsters and hipstresses, put your spikey belts and brokeass hair styles together for WILLIAM HUNG AND HIS HUNG JURY!!!And Madonna has impressed the world yet again. She proved that she can give herself oral.Even though there hasn't been anything good being crapped out of the music industry I can still find pleasure in freak shows.
I really liked "The Last Temptation of Christ". The Green Goblin as Jesus Christ . ? . ! . The Messiah has never been better.AND:
I like tv. I think it can be great entertainment. I'd take a bullet for my tube . . . if it I had cable.
I am on a slight reading kick . . . that means I am up to a book a month. The last two books I've read are Ham on Rye by Bukowski (Hank Chinaski Rules!) and Naked by David Sedaris. Reading is great when you are interested in doing nothing but reading. My OCD/ADD self can't take much more of this.
My favorite hero is The Thing, from The Fantastic Four. When you asked "hero" you meant it literally, right? I also admire Jonny Kennedy ("I wanna make Supersonic Man out of you" . . . I think I'm gonna cry now)