My Friends, whom I am ever grateful to have in my life, for in all ways they each comprise the highest caliber of individuals I truly have ever known.
Beauty. Truth. Shadow & light. Time with my Friends. Legion of Honor. Painting. Museums, exhibits and in general the entire 'art' thing. Laughing. Camping. Star gazing. Marshmallows. Symphony music. Hiking. Davies Symphony Hall, sleeping when I can.
The pause is as important as the note...
"Knowledge, we have to realize, is not fixed in stone. It is transitory and ephemeral and exists only so long as we pump it with meaning. It is merely part of the mad vaporous wheel of existence, an ongoing cycle of discovering and forgetting, of lurching forward and then stumbling back and standing up again and taking everything we think we know and packing it into a little puffy snowball and hurling it at the head of the Future in the hopes that the Future will turn around and unbutton its liquid trench coat and show us something surprising. Or maybe just laugh and return fire. It's pretty much all we can do."
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This is pretty much the sum of every guy I had a high school crush on. Fuckin' Pacifica!
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Have you heard about the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac who stays up
night wondering if there really is a Dog?
A little dreaming...
A little truth....
A little warmth...
A little insanity...
A little luck...
A little hope...
A little help...
A little humor...
And a little hare... (?)