My interests are so brilliant that I can not afford to expose them to anyone else. If people were to know of my aspirations they would be so taken by them that they would likely choose to adopt them for their own. This would make my interests common and I would have to compete for their limited resources even more than I already do. Not a good situation for me at all.
annoying people
I hate real music. My favorite music is super amazing MIDI covers of Kenny G and Mozart. The kind that sound like singing christmas ornaments, but only with the HI FI quality of CD! Sooooo awesome.Synthesized violins and trumpets are my favourite instruments especially from early 90's adult contemporary keyboards. Shazaaammm mutha fucka!
I hate movies to. I only like infomercials and instuctional videos that come with baby Jolly Jumpers or car seats. Safety and ediquite videos are fucking brilliant too. I could watch those all day long. In fact I do. Most of the time I sit in front of my green TV and watch instructional hobbiest videos while eating salt and vinigar super chips until my mouth is a shuddering mass of blistering kanker soars.
reading is for people with mechanically assisted vision....and thats not me.
Hmm, I have no heros. Im too fucking genius to care about other people or want to be them. I guess if I had to pick something though it would be Hal Johnson from the Body Break commercials. That man is fucking great!One of the first inter-racial, excercise couples to have middle class america, yuppy family values on TV. His toothy smile and ability to tolerate his synthetically chipper wife is truly a testiment to the patience and tolerance all North Americans should strive for. What a guy, what a duo, what an inspiration.