Kaycee Jane profile picture

Kaycee Jane


About Me

she has the blood of reptile just underneath the skin
i am kaycee jane. the spark that lit the fire to dreams. a muse, if you will. my head is far past the clouds, the stars, the lifelessness of system. my heart is somewhere underneath joshes skin, safe and deep. i smell like rabbits, opium and one hundred dead nazi fingertips. i am in love with josh hala, we have an 11 month old son named chaos theory hala. he is our world. i write a lot of poetry that few of you will ever get to read. i work because i want to and have responsibility to my family. i do have hobbies, but why would i tell you what they are? i wear whatever the fuck i want so you can fuck off. i am running short on compassion, it does come in bursts. i nuzzle joshy, i fucking hate food, i lust after warmth. creative souls are often mistaken as shit ass crazy. i am addicted to reptiles and rabbits. i like creatures. i've learned that from rock bottom i can only go up. i don't believe in myself, but i believe my love for my family can drive me to do some damn good shit. i know that art and creation are like oxygen to me. i also know that a mind is a terrible thing to waste. it must be built and fed and nurtured (like a bunny!) hah.i am looking for babies around chaos' age for him to play and interact with so message me if you're up for it.SMILE YOU BASTARDS!! bunnies are fun.

My Interests

learning, exploring, collecting, playing, wiggling

I'd like to meet:

trent reznor.


i prefer not to list anymore cos i don't like when underground bands get all popular and crap. so i nuu tell you who i listen to. ^^ let's just say mostly metal and electronic stuffies.




people being ripped open on discovery health. :)




josh, trent reznor, my creatures.

My Blog

newpet?! + sickchaos:(

there comes a time in every womans life where her long term boyfriend wants a kittun... right? well that time seems to have come. :O josh has fallen for a big poofy older cat at a rescue and i haven't...
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 10:06:00 PST

april tail

hehehe i love bunny tails!! ...
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:16:00 PST

heart of lilith

She has come from the shadows of the dream world A dark angel from the darker side of love Across a sea of tears A hundred thousand years Come with her and dance in the moon light And you are lost to ...
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Tue, 27 May 2008 09:04:00 PST

look at her go!

one of our spyders poofter, she just sits in her tank and is in different places randomly. we haven't seen her move a lot in the past year or so we've had her. a few days ago i noticed a drastic chang...
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Mon, 26 May 2008 08:13:00 PST


joshy got us a nintendo dsand and PET BUNNYZ!!! :D...
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Tue, 20 May 2008 09:00:00 PST


well heresy the cobalt blue died through her first molt and heresy the albino leopard gecko slept mostly since i got her, wouldn't eat anything and then died. so naturally i feel like everything i tou...
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:08:00 PST

stupid adult poop

i want to play with my bunniesbut i just got home from work andhave to go back in eight hours. boo....
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:17:00 PST

chaos says...

"eeyah bah bah.. da da yeeeoowweehhaa"
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:35:00 PST


GO BOOM!cos i love you! ...
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:56:00 PST


we finally got our new spyder and she is gorgeous and angry and we love her already. her name is HERESY. i will post pictures of her later when she's more comfy but for now here is a little about the ...
Posted by Kaycee Jane on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:59:00 PST