METRO NEWSPAPER vol. 22 no.36- "The Obsessors shoot their taser-style directly to their amps..straight into your head and crank the volume up to 11. Straight out of the suburban digs to the nearest dive bar, the Obsessors hit with melodic riffs, harkening back to the gutter-laureate days of bands like original West Coast subversives X blended with the anti-materialist bent of Devo, spitting out bratty New Wave punk.
Fronted by Cobra Lily, who shares vocals with guitarist Kirby, the Obsessors belt out witty licks with horror-pop banter. Hearing them rip it up onstage takes you back to when you bought that first wax disc and danced in your bedroom till Mom yelled at you to turn it down." -Ryan OsterbeckUNDER THE VOLCANO issue 96-The Obsessors "Double Scoop"Like a beam of radiant light cutting through the all-consuming darkness of the current indie scene comes The Obsessors. Quirky female pop-vocals compliment this energetic and profoundly fun release. Double Scoop delivers songs ranging from subjects like SUVs, kleptomania, zombies, and creepy stalkers. The bands use of keyboards on nearly every track really helped to enhance the album's overall sound, making it largely enjoyable. The guitar work brings out the band's bold simplicity and raw musical approach, but has just enough polish to smooth the whole thing over. (CD) -ManicRAZORCAKE issue 37-OBSESSORS, THE: Double Scoop: CD Total Devo-influenced punk rock with cool girl and boy vocals! With keyboards! I have no idea, but I hope their live shows feature lasers. New wave silliness, with lyrics about zombies, toxic waste, kleptomaniacs, and presidential stutters (seriously!). If this were a cereal, it'd be Cocoa Krispies. Take regular Rice Krispies (sort of political, serious lyrics), then add tons of chocolate and sugar! Yum! –Maddy
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