Razor Neglegence Engineer profile picture

Razor Neglegence Engineer

We stuck out our hands and met the winds

About Me

I edited your mom with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
No matter what I tell you about myself, your perception of me will stand on its own two feet.

My Interests

Music, Movies, Writing, trees I can play guitar under without being called a hippy, or accused of asking for change (not that this fucking shithole couldn't use some), people that I can actually talk to, throwing change at gutter punk kids, drunken philosophical ramblings, or drunken philosophical whatever, as long as I'm in on the drunken part.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that I can talk to about more than just music, but also wont mind if all we talk about is music, and you don't have to be a heavy drinker, but it helps :)


I like all kinds of shit... but for now, the illustrious five is as follows:Hot Water MusicGlassjawMogwaiJesuDaughters-thank you-


Pseudo intellectual indie films, and intentionally horrible horror films


Twin PeaksDumblandDead Like MeWeedsOz


Clockwork OrangeLord of The FliesPost OfficeSex Drugs and Cocoa PuffsAnything by Chuck Palaniuk, or David Sedaris


all die eventually

My Blog

Save The HorseHead/Protect Your Rights!!

For those of you who may still be unaware, or anyone in need of more information/persuasion, We are going head to head with the City Of Eugene over our back smoking patio. The planters and shrubs, whi...
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:36:00 PST

Alcoholism- The Aftermath

I woke today, after three hours of sleep, eyes bloodshot, dehydrated,  monumental headache, ready to face the day (barely functional). This... is the wake of the 2 day hangover, punctuated b...
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 04:07:00 PST

This, indeed, is paradise...

So its like nearly 7am thursday morning... technically my saturday morning... I'm mildly intoxicated, have yet to go to bed after a long night of pretending to be an authority figure, followed by...
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 06:57:00 PST

Goodbye Columbia House...

Dearest Columbia House- This is Joshua Finch, Account 50412531xxx, just writing to say farewell. No. I don't want to reconsider, close my account now. No, I wont be paying for "Blades of Glory" as it ...
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 05:56:00 PST

The Rules To Playing Power Metal

..> 1. You have one goal: be epic.2. Let no sound be lonely. If there's a guitar solo, harmonize it. If there's singing, make it a choir.3. Keyboards offer a way to add thousands of different textur...
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 04:35:00 PST

totally sloshed, the best way to blog....

firstly.... fuck kyle's computer for playing "MR Beast" My mutherfukkinleastfavorite mogwai album while I'm trying to think straight through a headfull of cloudies and vodka.... pure assholery, i tell...
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 12:14:00 PST

I am Hip Hop, I am Rock and Roll (Stay Black?)

I hate hip hop... generally speaking... so why is it that I cannot bring myself to stop listening to Mos Def's "Black on Both Sides"? The beats are the same old shit. The lyrics of the album are predo...
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 12:43:00 PST

The First Church of No-Such-Thing

That's right... I've found a new way, truth, and light... The First Church of No-Such-Thing. We never hold services, we dont take offerings, there's no church board, no tithe, no baptism, T...
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Wed, 30 May 2007 07:24:00 PST

Nothing at all interesting happened

Nothing at all interesting happened today. No one called. Few people IM'ed. I'm just bored. I want someone to talk to, or hang out with, or something.... goddamn I need a job.... *sigh*...
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:28:00 PST

I live in a castle... I am a prince... On days I try to please my queen

Yeah, for those of you are unaware, or just not terribly perceptive... I'm on a ridiculous Slint kick lately.... So uhm... someone should SO pay my way to the UK 2007 reunion tour :)
Posted by Razor Neglegence Engineer on Sat, 12 May 2007 12:55:00 PST