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About Me

PUNK ROCK TATTOO ARTIST AND DEVIANT; SLINGIN' INK AT SD TATTOO. GIMME A CALL AT 619.442.8282"You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun." AL CAPONE
(A still-shot when I played in CHEAP SEX, from the PUNKCORE DVD comin out sometime..

Screamin, punk rock, shit talkin, art rogue. Been doin art as EyesoreArt for the punk scene for over 15 years. I have expanded my art into a career as a tattoo artist. I have worked at the San Diego shops: Monster Tattoo in Pacific Beach; Westside Tattoo in Mission Beach; Ocean Beach Tattoo in Ocean Beach (Manager); Rockstar Tattoo in Normal Hights, Aztec Tattoo in La Mesa; and I now manage Lifestyle Tattoo Parlor in City Hights. Call if you want to get some ink done (especially you punk rockers...I hook it up for punks in a big fuckin way). You name it, I did art for it..zines ( well as writting for...)(Black Market, Genetic Disorder, MMR..),bands (Murphys Law, Victims Family, Crawl..), lables, clothing co. etc. Been playing bass and screaming in punk bands since about 83 when I lived in Spain. Most recently played bass for Cheap Sex on Punkcore Records. Also recorded with them on "Headed For A Breakdown".
For the most part I am a secret. I am a locked door. An old trunk in the attic. Four walls, a floor and a lid to keep them all out...or was it to keep me in? I cant remember which. It doesn't matter...same results regardless. Im not really something you take to school for show and tell. Im more like that thing you hide in the garage under a bunch of old greasy blankets, and show your friends for shock value, or poke at with a stick in sick fasination. I am the devil on your sholder that whispers in your ear. I am the one that encourages your freedom to be what you hide from others, and sometimes yourself. Im the one who will take the fall so that you may do it without worry of reprucutions. I sit in silence, indifferant to all. I allow you to see my silence as see my unwillingness to chime into the conversation, as a lack of opinion. I allow you the idea that my dis-interest in fucking anything with two tits, a whole and a heart beat; makes me inexpirenced; unsure, and even niave. The idea of shoving a cock in and out of a women couldnt be more of a bore. What I need is more than your meat. I get inside your head. I want to make you uncomfortable with how comfortable you are when you fuck shamlessy. I need more than your sweaty flesh...I need something to conquer. I want to see what your afraid to show. I want to make you...I want you to make yourself. I want you to do things that make you feel uneasy. I want you to do things that you will lie about ever doing. I will watch you enjoy what you will not admit to enjoying. If you cant come to me free of your inhibitions...then I am not the one you want to be around...because I will feast on them. I observe...listen...conclude. I allow you to be the exhibitionist on center stage. I dont want the attention. I dont want the burden of trying to explain myself. You either get it, or you dont. I embrace the raw core of me, and exercise it when ever I come across the opportunity; but that opportunity comes rarely. Im the one you run to, or run from. Sometimes Im a little of both. Im the one you go to if you need help crossing your boundries on your own. Im the one who will take you, and make you mine. Im the freedom that comes with a curse. Im price you pay, when you have to pay the piper. Im that guilty pleasure that you keep to yourself and enjoy when no one is around. Im what you feel guilty about. Im things that haunt you about yourself that you dont understand. Im the lie you tell, so that no one will suspect you. Im everything you hate about yourself. Im everything you need, when nothing else will do the trick. Im what ever you need me to be, so that you may enjoy your actions without concidering accountability. I am a place without judgement. I am the voice in your head telling you not to worry...everything will turn out fine. I am neither a lie, the truth, nor the opportunity...I am the "what if". I am the act that ignores the risk. I am not something to concider; I am the couriosity that killed that cat. My fears, have become boredoms; and my moments of pleasure have become redundant and predictable re-runs with only slight variations. Not to the point of being a let down...but just enough to keep it from becoming anything worth remembering. I am potentially good, inherently shit. I am the constant struggle. I am the push you need. I am the temptation you pretend to hate...yet still linger around...waiting...waiting...waiting...for the moment you secretly wish for and anticipate...the moment I do you the favor, and relieve your restraints of restraint. Here we are all Gods. Here we are all whores. Here, guilt is nothing more than an old wives tale. I am what I am...and so much more..and less.
I sometimes say things to their fullest potential which can be very damaging. I am someone you can take at face value. I have strong convictions and I wear my heart on my sleeve, which from time to fuckin time seems to be the source of a great many problems. Its never a mystery how I feel about shit, but I also keep alot of things to myself. Im a walking contridiction, but then again...who isnt. I stand strong and true by people. I have high expectations of what people should be like...but nothing I dont hold myself to as well. I know who I am and what I am about. I can be an asshole..but I also suffer from extreme emphathy for others. True friendships are worth more than their weight in gold. I dont see faults in others...I see traits that make someone who they are...I take the bad with the good if the end result is something unique and appealing. Acceptance of someone comes easily, but you better do the same. Got no time for hate in my can swallow you whole and distort the truth; but..if you must hate...then hate it for all it's worth; from every possible angle and with everything you have. Hate "it" until you kill it or it kills you. I love anything that is deviant. I am a slave to my temptations. I am on the constant look out for anything that caters to the dark side of human nature. I gravitate to those who live life on their own terms, and just straight out dont give a fuck about anyones opinion (birds of a feather...), and I have a deep appreciation for hedonisitic rogues. Life is only a series of expieriences, so if you stop expieriecing new things, then you have pretty much stopped living. A mundane exsistance is my kiss of death, but my need for excitement will take me to the grave one day. In the words of wisdom are: HOLD ON TIGHTLY..LET GO LIGHTLY! What the fuck are you really supposed to say here??..fuck..i dont know...
Whats in a name? is what you get with me....
..This is how "chance" is defined in the dictionary. Since this is pretaining to me...I added in parenthesese "I am".
chance ( P ) Pronunciation Key (chns) n.
1. a. (I am..) The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause.
b. (I am..) A force assumed to cause events that cannot be foreseen or controlled; luck: Chance will determine the outcome.
2. (I am..) The likelihood of something happening; possibility or probability.
3. (I am..) An accidental or unpredictable event.
4. (I am..) A favorable set of circumstances; an opportunity: a chance to escape.
5. (I am..) A risk or hazard; a gamble: took a chance.
Ide say that sounds about right....

My Interests

(Some of these "intrests" are linked to blog entries about them. Just click on the blog title in parentheses next to the interest for an insight to perversions, self glorification, or simply moronic entertainment..) Trapeeze girls (Ringling Bros. with a hard-on) , Road Kills, Bosch, Marquis De Sade, Tattoos, Art (Fine Artist or Con Artist..can you tell the differance?) , Punk rock (You wanna know what punk rock was all about...I'll tell ya what it was about....> , Porno (Move over John Holms; Here comes Tom Thumb: Makin Homegrown Porn's. A true story) , Makin it mine, Ties that bind you, BDSM (Right to the point...I got that fuckin itch again god damn it.... , Playing bass, truth or dare, the city of New Orleans, the Mardi Gras (Me, Mary and The Big Easy) , skeletons in the closet, hate-fucks , isolation (I feel you...but I dont feel you.) , spoken word, playing the antagonist (Me Vs. Them....) , addictions, slow suicide, pushing limits, sexy nuns with sexy feet, circus sideshow freaks, 'zines, religious icons (Saint Chance Deveroux Hurteau; Patron Saint of Random Thought) , burning man, bad attitudes (You say there is no hope?) , the girl who is the bitch in the bunch, pinball machines, zippo lighter tricks, cuse words, offensive jokes, dead things, serial killers, drug stories, dark secrets, strippers, beer, odd phobia's, punk rock (of course), collecting slang from around the world, instigating people just to see their reaction, revenge, skulls, the inquisition, the word "CUNT" (especially when said by the felines), fruedian slips, smackin' ass's, secret identities, secret lifestyles, girls who cuss, self infliction, contridictions, martyr's, fuckers who think they have a bead on it all, strength (from within, to...), an all around fasination with violence and hatred, and anything that can stir my imagination.

I'd like to meet:

Rogues; Artists; Writers; Musicians; Punks; Strippers; Trapeeze girls; Freaks of nature; Hustlers; Skin Head byrds; Loonies; Lesbians; Dominatrix's; Smart ass's; Mexican wrestlers and Cirus Midgets. If you are however an interesting rogue who doesnt give a shit about someone's opinion and is comfortable in your own skin..then grab me. If you can match me punch for punch on pushing the limits of polite...oh I want to meet you.


Well...aside from Danzig, John Claude Van Dam; Members of NAMBLA; Irritating fuckers who quote movie lines on a constant basis; and Trekkies; I also dont give a shit about fair weather friends; Know it all's; Back stabbers; Liars (although exaggeraters I can live with); Hippies, New Agers; Politically correct uptight assholes (if you cant laugh at yourself and the world around you...your doomed); Straight edgers; Art-fags who are more concerned with the title "artist" than actually being an artist; Johnny-Come-Lately scenesters who are more about being seen than they are seeing others; and those who dont listen and are only waiting to talk. If your life and who you are is no more than an act of false self rightousness...fuck off. If you are easily offended; have something to hide; dont like having your ideas questioned; or has an issues with bluntness on any fuckin!!


Say what you will about him...but GENE-MOTHERFUCKIN-SIMMONS The reason the 4th or 5th grade (when I first heard "KISS ALIVE")...I all I wanted to do is be a bass player!

SO NOW...THE BAND LIST: NOTE: Really kick ass albums (in my opinion) that stand out by the band will be in parenthese by the bands name...and when I say "stand out"; I dont mean that they stand out compared to the rest of that bands catolgue...I stands out among everything put out by anyone....but also...just because I dont mention an album by a band, doesnt mean they didnt put out anything can also mean...theres just to many good ones to choose from...OR..I just forgot to mention thier album... Germs (G.I.);Rudimentry Peni (Farce); Anti Nowhere League; Defiance; X (Los Angelos); Toxic Narcotic; Battalion of Saints (2nd Coming), Christ on Parade(The Mind Is A Terrible Thing...Fuckin Love...Love..this album!!!), Crass (Stations), GBH (I dont know...City Babies Revenge..), No Means No ("Anything by these guys is fuckin great.."), Broken Bones, SS Decontrol (The Kids Will Have Their Say), JUDAS PRIEST (all the albums up to "Screaming for Vengance");Circus Lupus, Ethyl Meatplow, Total Chaos (Pledge of Defiance), L7 (Bricks are Heavy), MDC, Beefeater, Life Sentance, Cock Sparrer (Shock Troops), Fugazi (13 Songs), Tank (Filth Hounds Of Hades), Ministry (Just In Case You Missed The Show), Victims Family (White Bread Blues or Things I Hate To Admit), Toy Dolls, Kepone (Ugly Dance..scores a perfect 10), Decry (Falling), Tom Waits (Rain Dogs), The Meteors (Teenagers From Outerspace), The Pogues, Screamin Jay Hawkins, The Cows, Tex and the Horseheads, Minor Threat (Out Of Step), Soylent Green (the old band from Pheonix), 7 Seconds, Naked Aggression, Gun Club, The Fiends (from L.A.), Solucion Mortal, Dayglo Abortions, Indigesti, BGK, Raw Power, David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust..), Johnny Thunders (Live at Max's Kansas City), Richard Hell and the Voidoids, Subhumans (not the Canadian version), The Who (Live at Leads), MOTORHEAD (only the original lineup with fast eddie and filthy), Chron Gen (Puppets of War), Johnny Cash, One Way System, Murphys Law (Dedicated), Frank Zappa (Joes Garage), JFA, Ill Repute (I believe the 7 inch is called "Land of no toilets" (No, Im not gonna go dig for it)...anyways...the one with "fuck with my head" on it), Madness, Thin Lizzy(RIP fuckin rocked it!), Black Sabbath (w. Ozzy), TRUST(..the metal band from France), Les Thugs(..again...another french band), Infra Riot, Partisans, TSOL ("..not including thier gay-ass cock rock years.."), Dead Can Dance, Nekromantix, Mad Sin, Black Flag, Scathya (I think thats how this bands name is spelled...REWARD TO ANYONE WHO CAN TELL ME WHERE TO GET THEIR STUFF!!), 999, Holy Rollers (Fabuly), Bad Brains, Iron Maiden (when Paul DiAno sang for them), Alien Sex Fiend, Dwarves, Fifteen, Gang of Four (Entertainment), Minutemen (Ballot Result), Fear (The Record), X (Los Angelos), fLUF, Creedle, Rapeman, Fishbone, RHCP, Rocket From The Crypt (Circa); Meatmen (You Suck), Cheap Trick (Heaven Tonight), The Clash (Self Titled), Dead Kennedys (Fresh Fruit..), Devotchkas, Defiance, Plasmatics(Coup d'tat), Ramones (Self Titled), UK Subs, Peter and the Test Tube Babies, GWAR, Parliment Funkadelic (Maggot Brain), D.O.A., SNFU (And No One Else Wanted To Play), Conflict (The old school band from Pheonix, AZ), Straw Dogs, Detox (Self Titled), Varukers, Les Payne Product, Desendants (Enjoy), KISS (up until "Kiss Alive II"), Misfits (Walk Among Us..or the 7 inch:Return Of The Fly), Morphine, Stooges, Stiff Little Fingers, Chaos UK, Discharge (Hear Nothing, See Nothing...), Killing Joke...the first punk band I ever saw..way back in 83' (Fire Dances), Bauhaus, Buddy Holly, Distillers, Death Ride 69, Butthole Surfers (Rembrandt Pussyhorse), Alice Donut (Untidy Suicides), Anti Nowhere League, Eddie Cochran, King Crimson, Jesus Lizard (Mule), Tragic Mullatto, Mr. Bungle (Self Titled), Nashville Pussy, The Rev, The Cramps (Bad Music for Bad People), Public Enemy (Fear Of A Black Planet), Disposable Hereos Of Hypocrisy, Blitz (Voice Of A New Generation); Sham 69 (Angels with Dirty Faces);.... Then of course there is my fuckin Motown (I grew up on this, so its got a special place...): Curtis Mayfield, Stevie Wonder, Percy Sledge, Marvin Gaye, Issac Hayes, Otis Redding, Ray Charles, Smokie Robinson, Al Green, not even gonna write down every fuckin band I like...


To Kill A Mockingbird, Swingblade, Spinal Tap, Blue Velvet, Santa Sangre, Baxter (the french flick), Seveth Sign, Freaks, Wild at Heart, Pulp Fiction, Swingers, Cyrano De Burjerac, Angels with Dirty Faces, American History X, Romper Stomper, La Haime (Hate), Leningrad Cowboys, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, Hurly Burly, Henry Fool, Boondock Saints, Mystery Train, Sevan Samuri, Vertigo, Fight Club, Trainspotting, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Once were Warriors, Man Bites Dog, anything with "The Bowery Boys".


Lidsville, Baretta, Night Gallery, Kung Fu Theater (Master of the Flying Guillotine fuckin rocks...), you've probably figured out that these are shows from when I was kid...the new shit...The Sheild, The Tick (even though its no longer airing), ren and stimpy...


Dantes Inferno, Faust, 120 days of sodom, Don Qioti (I know its spelled wrong).


My son Dante; My daughter Tara; Kendra (my sons mother); Martin Luther King, Jr.; children; single parents; those who dont just stand their or ignore a stranger who needs help; those who work with terminally ill children; those who stand up for what they believe in; those who have the guts to be themselves; and teachers.

My Blog

I dont know what Im trying to say with this...

Everything slowly decays. Im watching it all rot. Slowly...slowly...slowly...but not so slow that I dont notice. Im watching it all die, turn to dust and blow away...and nothing about it bothers me. I...
Posted by CHANCE on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 11:32:00 PST

Im tired of writting about this fuckin subject...

Like most who know me, know...I show up without warning at any unpredictable moment in time, and rarely do I ever do the civil thing and just knock on the door. I jump the fence...bang on ...
Posted by CHANCE on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 10:42:00 PST

Your a rockstar, baby!

I miss my friend. I miss you. I miss you still. I always will, I guess (unless I park my ass closer to where your at.). I know...we're still friends...but I theres still that sence of loss. I cant com...
Posted by CHANCE on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 07:56:00 PST

Fair Warning... way back when...when I first joined this little community O' imaginary friends...I used to write these long winded word salads about every event, expirience, thought, and/or opinion that woul...
Posted by CHANCE on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 02:57:00 PST

Did I just say that out loud... the most part...I keep alot of shit to myself. Im it political views...right down to what I may see as being funny. Why? Because of that look I have seen on so many faces w...
Posted by CHANCE on Mon, 12 May 2008 12:41:00 PST

Give me...

Give me more. Give me something to chew spit out in disgust. Give me something I that hurts...that I must endure...thats not so easy to fuckin hold. Give me something I have to bleed for...tha...
Posted by CHANCE on Sun, 11 May 2008 11:11:00 PST

I sold my soul so you wont have to...

(Just to make it clear out the aint some trivial boyfriend/girlfriend issue thing...) So much for Sacred Cows. I guess what was worth more than a fortune to me aint worth a fuckin dim...
Posted by CHANCE on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 02:10:00 PST

"1 page hand written letter.."

" "Chance"", is scrawled in black ball point pen on a 5 X 11 manilla envelope. I just got back from the County Coroners office. I found out yesterday that Melissa wrote a suicide note, and it was...
Posted by CHANCE on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:15:00 PST

I got something to say...

To all you rogues, cunts, bastards, bro's, ho's, punks, and friends that are family, as well as my family...all you that have pissed me off; kicked down; held out; "put out"; talked shit; listened to ...
Posted by CHANCE on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:22:00 PST

little things come in wee little packages...

So once upon a year and a half dozen months ago (give or take), I meet this 2ft. 8in. little fire cracker named Kristina...or was it 3 and a half foot...I cant remember...perfect higth to rest my elbo...
Posted by CHANCE on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 06:37:00 PST