Rachel profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

WeLL i'LL See You iN THe MoRNiNG iF i LiVe, SiPPiNG oN GiN aND JuiCE, LLaMa LLaMa T'BooT T'BooT, i'M a HuSTLeR BaBY, So TaKe a LoaD oFF FaNNY. . . THiS iS JuST a SoNG aBouT F-iNG. - ZFaCe

My Interests

people you can just sit with, aimless routes with special friends, celebrating just because, having a day dedicated to naps and someone to do it with me, trips with my father, the hurricane, having coffee for hours multiple times a day, glacier wa, sleeping, making jewelry for my beautiful girlies, bea-tle and her crab-walk, the box lounge, dressing up and visiting santa, drop-kicking bitches, reading good books, watching by sister laugh, my basement with wiskers and clip-clops, being fiesty and starting trouble, not wearing shoes, car-dancing, pints with the homies, dancing in the living room


there's just too much to even begin. . .


the big chill, neverending story, brazil, my life as a dog, basquiat, just about anything with jack black, big fish, mean girls, goonies, boondock saints, the warriors, etc.


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middlesex, catch 22, a million little pieces, wicked, the electric kool-aid acid test, the rum diaries, any and all written by david sedaris, the list is always getting longer and longer. . .


my mom