About Me
The golden rule in life is "always treat people the way you would want to be treated" life is too short to take even just a minute for granted. People come and go so quikly and thats just the way life is, so i believe in making a mark in everyones life. For every path that you cross and for every path that crosses yours there is a begining and an ending point, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", and if i am not at the begining or the end, at least i know that at whatever point it was that our paths crossed i made a lasting mark in anothers life and by following the golden rule, i know that it was a positive mark. We each have individual purposes here in this life but i believe there is one purpose we all share equally. I believe that we are here to use what god has given us to build something. We are meant to use our minds, bodies and hearts to build our souls. In the end that is what continues on and we need to use our time here wisely to build souls STRONG enough to make a journey that we have yet to know. Life can be strenous at times and we all know that we have been through some shit every now and again, but we gotta keep truckin', 'cause it aint over till its over..............