Girl on girl action. Punk Rock, Oi, all you can eat buffets, teabagging, knockouts, weekends in the mission, steel toes, football (both kinds), and destrying your club with my band, Tried and True.
Lets see, hmmm ,soo many. First of all I would like to meet the guy who stole all of our bikes from our yard. Then I would like to meet the person who continually writes me tickets for parking, legal or not.How about the guy in Salinas who wanted to place me under citizens arrest. Next I would have to say I would like to meet the asshole who tried to arrest me for D.W.I. when I had nothing to drink. Thats right, I won that case and a big hardy fuck you buddy!!! Wow , this is refreshing. Next how about that guy who wrote that retarded song, rock me amadeous, then Erin would not torture me with it!!!! How about 5 min. with the guy who started this gay haircut crew that I see every time I go to a hardcore show!! Thats glamcore assholes, stay away emo loosers. Find something else to cling to, like a pair of clippers and find a fucking spine. I'll show you where it goes. Next up the Crackhead in the mission that stole my digital camera!! And now I have to mention the piece of shit who broke into our car and tore the shit out of our dash board .You see where this is going.
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Boondock Saints. Gangs of New York.Cinderella Man. Resivoir Dogs. Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2. Asian Sluts Vol. 24.
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Micheal Collins. General Patton. John Holmes. Col. Sanders. Spanky Spangler. The man who invented the all you can eat buffet. El doctor, Dr. Marten, Joey Ramone, Duane Peters, Joe Montana (go Irish!!!), Mr. T, Manowar and anyone who gets me a beer.