BOBBY profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm A PUNK. True Til Death.I don't look like a PUNK. I choose to be PUNK ROCK my way. Where I feel it truley counts when your an adult. In the real world. Independent thought and going against the grain. Don't grow up but act your age. Responsibility can be a positive change. Never fear the future. When you feel it in your the first time you heard "Up From The Streets" by Electric Frakenstein. Or the first time you heard whatever it was that just kicked your ass. In your blood. In your heart. Choose your battles and fight the good fight. Do it for yourself. I don't need a crew, just good friends. Most people won't be able to relate to this. To each their own. My definition of success is being happy with what you got. I have a beautiful family who "gets me". I have a job that pays me way too much for my 4th grade education. And I have a band that fukin RULES! I might be the most succesful person I know. Not material shit...that just sux.I don't need that stuff to validate who I am and where I stand in life. Just my guitar....people who can cut their skin and bleed music know what I'm talking about. I have no idea who will take a few moments to read this, but if you read it and don't like it again and think about what it really says about you?!?!?!?!!Check out my band Psycho 78. It's music for people who hate music.

My Interests

PUNK. I like history. Real history. Not the shit they tell you in school about how President Lincoln freed the slaves because he was a nice guy when the truth is it was a war tactic to hurt the Confederates and shit. Like the shit Nate Dammit and Matt Scabs talk about when we kick it.

I'd like to meet:

People who stand for something. No Posers!


RAMONES/Angry Samoans/Dead Kennedys/Adolescents/Wire/Stiff Little Fingers/7Seconds/Black Flag/MISFITS/STRANGLERS/Zero Boys/Zeros/EATER/CLASH/Dictators/old REPLACEMENTS/Dinosaur Jr/Dead Boys/Sick Of It All/Undertones/U.S.Bombs/Gorilla Buiscuits/Adicts/HEPCAT/Screeching Weasel/MINUTEMEN/Richard Hell/Subhumans/Naked Raygun/Negative Approach/D.I./WARZONE/Sex Pistols/bAD bRAINS/Minor Threat/PAGANS/Sloppy Seconds/Partisans/The Smiths/Social Distortion/BIG BOYS/Sonic Youth/Dead Milkmen/Bad Posture/Pixies/New York Dolls/Dickies/Mission of Burma/Face to Face/old CURE/DANZIG/VARUKERS/Youth Brigade/The Police/Creedence Clearwater Revival/ROOTS/The Crowd/Fear/Hellacopters/fUGAZI/DILS/Vindictives/MOTORHEAD/Yo uth of Today/Agnostic Front/TEMPTATIONS/OTIS REDDING R.I.P./Agent Orange/Turbonegro/CRAMPS/Wipers/old Green Day/The Crack/Buzzcocks/The Jam/Damned/T.S.O.L./Cock Sparrer/Descendets/Heartbreakers/Exploited/Vibrators/MEAT MEN/Gwar/X-RAY SPEX/Generation X/Really Red/Circle Jerks/Rudimentary Peni/old Bad Religion/Dag Nasty/Germs/The Business/Cro Mags.....I don't like these bands....I LOVE THESE FUKIN BANDS!!!! Music has always been my life. This list goes on but we got things to do!




We never turn the t.v. off at my house.


i don't read because i have a life. Plus...I have animal planet and stuff like that so who needs books?!?!?!


joey ramone. for saving rock-n-roll and my MOM.

My Blog


All day long I feel retarted Felt this way since my day started High on Red Bull Smoking smokes Laughing at my own stupid jokes Watch you watch me walk in circles Watch you watch me make mistakes Lac...
Posted by BOBBY on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:34:00 PST

$5,000 would solve all my problems.

So gimme money and the good Lord will pay you back. C'mon, you don't wanna piss off God do you?!?!?! I'm his favorite dude so don't fuck with me or I'll send a lighting bolt right to your forehead and...
Posted by BOBBY on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 06:18:00 PST

Harrington Saints

So last nite we played at the Stork Club. The bands rocked, I mooned everybody in the crowd from the stage, and we made some new friends, The Harrington Saints. Due to poor communication, third p...
Posted by BOBBY on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 03:35:00 PST

Comp info.

Bomb Blast sent me a copy in the mail of the first rough draft of the comp. It's still not mastered but it is a BAD MAMMA JAMMA!!! I know everyone is going to like this one. Everyone sh...
Posted by BOBBY on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:59:00 PST

Good Times.

Don'tcha just love having a good time with good people. Family & friends & strangers and such. Just coolin out chillin. I like that. That's my idea of a good time. And talkin a...
Posted by BOBBY on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:53:00 PST

I just wanna have something to do.

  I remember being the smartest fuckin kid in the 1st grade. I even went to take the Gifted and Talented test. I was accepted into the G.T. program, but my mom didn't like the idea that I would h...
Posted by BOBBY on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:09:00 PST

I was in Texas.

I was in Texas for about a little over a week. My Mom is ill and I had to go. She is a hypacondriacte. Since I was 6 it's always been "Bobby....I'm dying." so naturally at first I didn't buy it. ...
Posted by BOBBY on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 02:28:00 PST

We gotta go!

Oh man this has been a wild ride. As the days go on I keep hearing the Creedence Clearwater Revival song in my head "Traveling Band". Well, not so much the entire song as much as that one part that go...
Posted by BOBBY on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 12:19:00 PST


RAMONES are #1. Nobody comes in 2nd. And everyone else is tied for 3rd. And if you don't know, you betta ax somebody! Tadao!
Posted by BOBBY on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 07:30:00 PST

todays net worth of your stock and retirement.

BLOG BLOG BLOG MCFUCKIN BLOG! Have a day you boring fuk!
Posted by BOBBY on Sat, 20 May 2006 07:12:00 PST