Boromir profile picture


One does not simply walk into Mordor...

About Me

.:*:.The Official Lord of the Rings Role-playing club.:*:.
.:*:.Prince Boromir of Gondor.:*:.
My name is Boromir. I'm from Gondor. My father is Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, and when he passes, I will be the Steward. I have a younger brother named Faramir. My mother passed away when i was young. My home city is Minas Tirith, which was first named Minas Anor, and I am one of the greatest captains of Gondor. I reconquered Osgiliath shortly before leaving for Rivendell to go to the council of Elrond. I became part of the Fellowship of the Ring, or the Nine Walkers. At Amon Hen i tried to take the ring from Frodo, but it was only because I was possessed by The Ring. I felt terrible afterwards, and when the uruk-hai attacked, I fought against them to save Merry and Pippin from capture. I blew my horn but Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli couldn't come in time. I was shot by the uruk-hai captain Lurtz, but kept fighting. I was shot once again, but continued fighting. Finally, i was shot a third time, and my hord was cloven in two. Merry and Pippin were taken by the uruk-hai as i lay dying. When Aragorn arrived, I made him promise that Minas Tirith would not fall, and that neither would our people. After this, I died. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli set up a funeral boat for me, and sent me over the falls of Rauros. I was eventually found by my brother Faramir. My father was most affected by my death, and he went crazy. My brother almost died due to my dads madness when he was shot by orcs. Aragorn eventually returned to Gondor after my father set himself on fire. He fulfilled his promise to me and became the King of Gondor, and kept Minas Tirith from falling.
.:*:.My bother Faramir and me.:*:.
.:*:.My father Lord Denethor and me.:*:.

My Interests

Fighting the armies of Mordor, fooling around with Aragorn and my brother Faramir, etc.

I'd like to meet:

All of the great, old, Kings and Stewards of Gondor...

.:*:.The Official Lord of the Rings role-playing club.:*:.

Lady Eowyn
Lady Galadriel
Lord Elrond
Treebeard shepherd of the trees
Prince Faramir
Aragorn son of Arathorn
Lord Sauron
Perrigrin Took
Merriadoc Brandybuck
Prince Boromir
Elven maiden Arya
Frodo Baggins of the shire
Lady Arwen
Prince Legolas greenleaf
Gandalf Greyhem
Girion II son of Barras
Elenor Gamgee
Stephanie Telcontar Greenleaf
Rosie Cotton
Haldir of Lorien
Lady Thea of Noldor
The Witchking of Angmar
Isabella Miran
Lady Theana
Miriel Celebel
Lord Elros of Numenor
Lady Ayndria of Bree
Lady Tamuril
Lady Enelya
Lady Lothiriel
Glordindel or Rivendell
Elemmírë Anárion
Radagast the wizard
Diamond Took
Ériel Uialwen
Alexander of Rohan
Luthien Tinuviel

.:*:.Click the links above to view the profiles.:*:.

If you would like to join The Official Lord of the Rings Role-playing club then click the link below:

.:*:.The Official Lord of the Rings role-playing club.:*:.

(Remember you must be a serious role-player)


Boy do I love that Gondorian theme song...


Lord of the Rings...


What is this?


I'm not much of a reader, I'm more of a fighter...


All of the great Kings and Stewards of Gondor...