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About Me

One thing about me is my fierce loyalty to my family and friends. I guess part of that comes from being Taurus the Bull, and yes I am bull headed. Ask anybody!I love spending time with my friends. It is very, very important to me whether we are shopping, watching a movie or at a gig. My friends think I am crazy and I shop way too much. But what do they know :)I am dedicated to my job and my co-workers. The mission of our foundation I take seriously and think about it each and every day.I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics
Who I am.:
Name: Peggy Frey
Birthday: May 7, 1960
Location: Columbus, OH
Religion: Lutheran
Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Blonde
Height/Weight: 5'8" 135
Heritage: German, French and English
Piercings/Tattoos: nope
Music/Song: Baby Blue by George Strait
Band: The Buckinghams, McGuffeyLane, George Strait
Movie/TV Show: Twister and Law & Order
Drink (alcoholic): Jose Cuervo
Soda: Coke Zero
Clothing Brand: Kasper
Shoe Brand: Ann Klein
Month/Season: May/Fall
Holiday: Christmas
Pick One:
Sunny or Rainy: Sunny
Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit
Night or Day: Night
Love or Money: Love
Phone or in person: in person
Looks or Personality: personality
Coffee or Tea: COFFEE
Hot or Cold: Hot
Goal for the year: To raise over a million dollars
Best physical feature: smile
First thought waking up: Is it REALLY morning already
Worst crime: speeding
Greatest ambition: To be the best femle fundraiser EVER
Greatest fear: Flying
Darkest secret: I can be shy sometimes
Favorite subject: Communications
Strangest received gift: I have to think on that one
Worst habit: saying "I'm Sorry"
Do You:
Smoke/Drink: Not a smoker, drink socially
Curse: Hell Yes
Shower Daily: Yes
Sing: I try
Play an instrument: nope
Believe in fate: oh yes
Believe in love at first sight: oh yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk/High: Can you say 'Jose Cuervo'
Eaten Sushi: yuck
Been in Love: yes
Skipped school: yes
Stolen something: nope
Cried yourself to sleep: yes
What annoys you most in a person: lying
Right or left handed: right
Bedtime: 10 ish
3 things you can't live without: my friends, steak and my cats
Siblings: nope just me
What is your middle name: Jean
Do you have any nicknames: Peggy Sue, Pegs, the Pegster
Do you have a crush on anyone: yes
Are you for or against gay marriage: if you can find your soulmate go for it
What are your thoughts ..ion: It is a woman's choice
Would you take a bullet for one you love: yes
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair Color: light brown
Eye Color: brown
Height: 6' 3 (and taller)
Weight: 160
Most important physical feature: smile
Biggest turn-off: smokes
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My Interests

I love music, the outdoors and long roadtrips with my friends! Let see, many of my best friends are musicians and I enjoy supporting them as much as I can. I love to go fishing, especially deep sea fishing and out fishing whoever I am fishing with.There is nothing better than hanging out with your friends, putting some great tunes on the radio and going on a long roadtrip.

I'd like to meet:

Well there are a couple of people I would like to have met before they passed away. First was Red Skelton! I grew up watching his comedy and loving his humor. To this day I still collect DVD's from his old shows.Another person was Dean Martin, my very first male crush. Ahhh the way he sang and was so handsome....the perfect man in my opinion. I love to listen to his CD's and drink a glass of white wine...And finally had to be President Ronald Reagan. I have so much respect for him and was touched by Nancy at his funeral and the love they shared.I have met one of my hero's- George Strait. Talk about an incredible person!!!!! He is the most incredible person I have had the pleasure of meeting.....If I could meet Pierce Brosnan, that would make my year.... Bond - James Bond or Steele Remington Steele


This is easy, I am a country and oldies music fan. The Buckinghams, Gary Puckett, Gary Lewis, Peter Noone all the great 60's music. Especially going to the gigs to hear your favorite songs live, nothing like it anywhere.Then there is country music, McGuffey Lane, George Strait, Brooks and Dunn, Randy Travis and all the greats.


Don't go to that many movies these days, but I still enjoy a great comedy or a sappy love story. One of my favorite movies don't fit in either category, and that is TWISTER. Can't explain why, just love that movie!


This is a easy topic for me since I love TV. Where do I start? I have become totally addicted to the show GHOSTHUNTERS. I not only watch the episodes but DVR them as well. Truth be told, I would love to do that with Grant and Jason sometime! Let's see what else reruns of M*A*S*H (especially the first three seasons with Henry Blake)and I will sit at home on a weekend for each and every Law and Order marathon that is on television. Lenny on Law and Order is my hero and will watch that show over and over again. There is one more show I am a nut over and I am almost afraid to say it and that is Scooby Doo (hey he went in to haunted houses too) Yes I am a HUGE fan and even collect Scooby stuffed animals. I guess I should add that Ohio State Buckeyes football is also a passion with me too BIG 10 CHAMPS----again! O H I O


I truly enjoy reading. My favorite author is Patricia Cornwell and her Kay Scarpetta novels. If I start reading one of her books, I can't put it down until it is finished, and that is not a good idea on a weeknight. I enjoy Nora Roberts, Danielle Steele too, it just depends on their stories.


My biggest hero was my grandfather. He passed away right before my 17th birthday in 1977. He was the mayor of Donnelsville, Ohio for many years and everybody liked him and they respected him. His dedication to helping people has really had a positive impact on me personally and professionally. He was very active in the March of Dimes, Drivers Saftey through the Ohio State Patrol and other programs like the Red Cross and many others. He will always be my hero!