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I am here for Networking

About Me

Squad19 makes its mark with a volatile palate of visual styles. Utilizing the talents of a variety of uniquely gifted artists and designers, Squad19 has worked on promotional artwork for the legendary Minneapolis venues First Avenue & 7th Street Entry as well as a growing number of bands and venues both locally and nationally.
Formed as a creative collective in 2001 by Minneapolis Artist & Designer Steve Tenebrini, Squad19 is fueled by caffeine and influenced by an unhealthy dose of comic books, cartoons, street art, spicy food and all things that rock. Think blue-collar, hard working Joe meets refined modern gentleman. The members get their hands dirty for sure, but always take care to scrub under the nails before wining and dining their lady friends. The attitude is very rock-and-roll/punk/metal with a splash of country and hip-hop. Beer, muscle cars, motorcycles, girls and guitars without all the flames and fist fights. A highball of Americana eclecticism followed by a double-layered shot of wisdom and restraint producing collaborative illustration, art and design projects to be enjoyed by the masses.