Babe_Angie_Singing... I sang this song ^O^ hopefully you guys will like it. Feel free to give me some comment! because I know I still need to improve my singing techniques!! thanks!
MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEWhaT do YoU WannA KnoW? WhaT do YoU LikE to KnoW?ThE MosT ImportanT ThinG AbouT ME is I am JusT a RegulaR WomaN WhO GoT MarrieD at a VerY YounG AgE. ^O^vIf YoU WannA KnoW MorE AbouT ME JusT DroP me a MessagE ^_
I do some of my posting at
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This Mix is designed by xiiaogurl
This Mix is designed by xiiaogurl
This Mix is designed by vincloe
This Mix is designed by emorocker03