Rugby, Sailing, Windsurfing, Surfing, Sport and Gym, Climbing, Abseiling, and Woodwork.
Jacques Cousteau, The Founder of Greenpeace, Mary Poppins, Pink Floyd, Emily Panchurst (just to tell her what wrongs shes created ;)), and Howard Marks.
Pink Floyd, Supertramp, Queen, David Bowie, Handsome Boy Modelling School, Red Hot Chillind Peppers, De La Soul, Arrested Development, Prince, Tracy Champan, Stevie Wonder, and The Doors.
Usual Suspects, Airplane, Naked Gun, Blues Brothers, Ed TV, Bachelor Party and Lethal Weapon films.
Frasier, Simpsons, National Geographic Channel, Malcolm in the Middle, and Seinfeld
The Beach, Calvin & Hobbes, Brave New World, Mr Nice, Kama Sutra ;), and The Bible.
Dave Gilmoure, Pele, Martin Luther King, Ellen Macarthur, Freddie Mercury Martin Johnson, Jason Lenoard, and Neil Back.