Pia profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I hit a man on the head with a brick after he shot me.
I was a brilliant research scientist who developed illegal memory chips for clones and found out the hard way that I was a clone myself.
I helped a woman speak again after 30 years of silence.
I was a big shot movie director.
I was a vampire pouring blood into shotglasses from a spigot attached to a helpless victim's neck.
I questioned my sanity after seeing objects float in the air.
I was repentant too late after smuggling drugs, weapons and people on boats.
I was a filmmaker stalked and threatened by a deranged actor.
I was a German tourist lost in L.A.
I fought another woman over a copier in a store.
I was a compulsive yardsale shopper fighting with my husband about his same addiction.
I was the head of an "assassin" agency.
I killed two people, but I was a good cop...
If you haven't guessed it by now, I'm an actress. I love having the chance to live out other lives and characters. My wildest dream is to be the next indie queen (there, I said it) and to one day make a speech with a Spirit Award in hand. (Oscar who?). Acting in film is my absolute passion. Click here to see me in a fun little 3 min. short film called "The First Date" or you can see more about my acting on my website www.PiaThrasher.com
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What you see is what you get. I know who I am and it's ok if you don't, wouldn't expect it. I am everything and nothing. I'm also a mirror of you. Treat me well and I'm good to you, be a good friend and I'm your most loyal supporter, be a great friend and I bend over backwards for you. Cross me the wrong way and .... I don't believe in turning the other cheek. I have no tolerance for ignorance and envy and I try to avoid flaky and whiny people. I love my husband. I love being around my supportive and creative friends and family...you know who you are ;-)
On the lighter side? I'm a tomboy, goofball, sci-fi nerd , silly drunk, a sucker for kitties, chocolate addict, out of control reader, people watcher, night owl, lousy cook, fluent in German and English and I almost always see the screen door in time!

My Interests

Anything film/movies, acting, writing, painting (you can see some of my works in the pics section). Salvador Dali is my favourite artist. I love the work of Wayne Barlowe (check out "Barlowe's Inferno") and of course H.R. Giger.
Otherwise? Travel to new places, "extreme" camping & trailer runs. I like good books, good wine, chocolate, purring kittens, good conversation, philosophy, history, science and learning new things. Photography (here are some of my favourite photos I took)

I'd like to meet:

People that make me laugh, people that don't take themselves soo damn seriously, my bearer of great news ;-) And if you don't know me and want to add me as a friend, please, have the courtesy to send me a message and let me know why you find me strangely irresistible or fuggetaboutit! Unless you are Gabriel Byrne I will not be one of your friend whores ;-)


Anything from Punk/Rock to Blues to Industrial to Classical - whatever the mood calls for...err, except country music *shudder*


I pretty much watch anything, not too picky - from totally cheesy to highly intellectual, whatever..I love movies. I find good things in the worst and "uncool" movies, except Feardotcom...
Some of my absolut faves (that come to mind right now):
The Descent (holy shite, I haven't jumped scared this much in a long time!),
The Libertine, Jaws, Alien and sequels,
Rear Window (Hitchcock's version), Interview with the Vampire, Tank Girl, Nightmare before Christmas, Mars Attacks! (heck, just about any Tim Burton film)
The Matrix (only the first one - could have stopped there)
Bad Santa ("I'm on my fucking lunch break"),
The Fifth Element, True Romance (probably my all-time favourite!),
The Princess and the Warrior, The Ring, The Crow,
Das Boot, Mission to Mars, Blade Runner, Santa Sangre
Galaxy Quest, ...
and of course, indie films I'm part of:
Reagan's Wharf
Bad Guy One
Under the Gun
Broken Triangle
The First Date (short film)


(New) Battlestar Galactica, Rome, Journeyman, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Medium, Farscape (R.I.P.), Star Trek, ..ummm, actually anything sci-fi...., I love Lucy, M*A*S*H, IFC, History , Discovery, Science and National Geographic Channels.


I read 2 or 3 books (fiction and non-fiction) at a time cause there are too many out there! If you like horror, read "The Ruins" by Scott Smith - I highly recommend it! If you like sci-fi, read "Spin" by Robert Charles Wilson - awesome! Then there's Cormac McCarthy's post-apocalyptic "The Road" - Read it!

Currently reading: "Born Standing Up" by Steve Martin; and my latest kick: poems by Dorothy Parker


Astronauts - they are the pioneers of our time, who risk their lives with each launch in the name of human progress and science. People seem to take these missions for granted.
People that give a shit and put their life on the line for a cause.
My Husband - for being the rock in my life.

My Blog


There's a Faultline Productions Showcase this Monday night, starting at 7 pm at the Bungalow Club (7177 Melrose Ave) which will screen several short films. Included are "39 Times", "Helga" and "Diary ...
Posted by Pia on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 07:33:00 PST

Spring Cleaning

I just deleted about 20 or 30 people from my list because, frankly, I'm tired of the endless stupid ass chain-bulletins, or whatever you call it,tired of people who only contact me to promote stuff,ti...
Posted by Pia on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:13:00 PST

Film Festival Update

Today, Saturday, 3pm - 10pmIt’s last minute, I know, heck, I just found out about it myself.This event is free and you just might run into me there! ;-) As far as I know, at least two short film...
Posted by Pia on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 09:38:00 PST


I wasn't going to blog about this and it's already 'old' news, the media has moved on, but it's been on my mind a bit too much to just ignore it.When the Cedar Fires hit San Diego County a few years a...
Posted by Pia on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 05:41:00 PST

New imdb credit and tidbits

Since "Reagan's Wharf" is kicking butt these days, it just got a listing on imdb.com - which means - a credit was also just added to my imdb profile, yayyyyy!!!!(Bryan, the director on the right givin...
Posted by Pia on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 11:57:00 PST

"Reagans Wharf" and Downtown Disney!

UPDATE!!!Ok, I found out more details. You do NOT have to enter Disneyland to get to Downtown Disney You get 3 hours free parking and if you buy a ticket for a movie or eat in a sit-down restaurant yo...
Posted by Pia on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:48:00 PST

Oh, what a night..

No, not what you might think, heh ;-)So, the film I had a supporting role in, "Reagan's Wharf" won Best Student Feature at the El Cajon Film Festival. It was shown at 1 pm and my 'three J's' and I wen...
Posted by Pia on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 08:59:00 PST

Reagans Wharf Film Festival Wins and Screenings

NEW LOCATION and SCREENING UPDATESScreening on Sunday, September 30th starting at 8 pmon The Education Channel or www.indiefilmfest.us. See screening schedule here.If you're in Southern California, yo...
Posted by Pia on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:54:00 PST

"Reagan's Wharf" accepted into film festival!

I just found out from the director, Bryan Ott, that "Reagan's Wharf", the feature length film I starred in, will screen August 18th at the El Cajon Film Festival!!! More info including screening time ...
Posted by Pia on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 07:45:00 PST

Dysfunctional family?

Hahaha, hey J, J and J, look at this! Too funny! I think I'm going to take your advice! ;-)Love ya!Your Family Is 67% DysfunctionalYour family definitely has some major problems, and they're still eff...
Posted by Pia on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 03:30:00 PST