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Marven Payne

Creative Visionary

About Me

* * * WARNING* * *
If you use "my" space for advertising some bogus BS, I WILL DELETE your comment and you from my friends list. The comments section is for you to leave me a comment. If you want to advertise yourself, do it on "your" space.
Also, I won't accept any more freindship requests from people who just want to build numbers on their page. If you truly want to be my friend, send me a message and tell me why. Otherwise I'll just let your request sit there or I'll straight up deny it.
* * * PRAISE TO GOD* * *
With that said, I would like to take this moment to give praise to GOD. He has brought me so far in my life even when I didn't deserve it. He has always been by my side, always protected me and has always provided for me when I needed it most. This is no better friend and I wouldn't be who I am without him. I love you GOD.
* * * HUMAN SPIRIT* * *
I believe we were all created with a special gift, the trick is to find out what it is. There is no such thing as a person that doesn't have a gift. We are all special in some unique way.
* * * MY SPIRIT* * *
People often ask me, "What does 'Kaaria' mean?"; it's a Kenyan name meaning one who speaks softly but with wisdom. That's my demeanor most of the time, but people often mistake kindness for weakness. Whenever I'm in charge of a project, I'm never like "I'm the *HMFIC up in here" type of person. I figure if you know your job and do it well people should respect you. But I find in the entertainment industry, arrogance is rewarded and people who are passive assertive get messed over (especially in the U.S.) STOP THE MADNESS PEOPLE! Being nice is NOT a sign of weakness, as a matter of fact, it's the true sign of strength, because it means that in order for me to be nice to your arrogant ass, I have to damn near bite a hole through my tongue to stop me from ..... (imagine something extremely violent happening to you and put it in the parenthesis here). So the next time you come across someone who is nice in this industry, take notice of them, the hard work they are doing, and the strength they possess.
"Kaaria": is true strength. The strength to show kindness even to people who don't deserve it.
P.S. HMFIC: Head Muther Fukr In Charge.
* * * MY WORK* * *
I've worked in various areas of entertainment and media. I presently live in Japan and (until the end of April 2007), worked with the largest musical theater company in Asia, Gekidanshiki ( It is also considered among the best in the world. They produce and stage Disney's "Lion King", "Cats", "Phantom Of The Opera", "Crazy For You", "Chorus Line" "Aida", "Mama Mia", Jesus Christ Superstar", "Evita" and so many more musicals and plays.
As a Director/Choreographer in Japan and I've danced in, choreographed, directed and/or produced many stages, concerts, TV shows, TV commercials, MTV Music Videos and Musicals.
For more information, you can check out my website at: http:/
For information on my video production company please check: Perfect Composition:
Just doing my thang! (A popping performance of mine from way back)
Janet Jackson's - So Excited - Marven Payne's Choreography
First off let, me just say that I'm not writing this for your sympathy or even your understanding. I'm writing this in hopes that you may learn from my mistakes and that my experience will make at least one person's life a little better.
I just want to share an epiphany I had a few days ago while working on a major project that didn't go through. At the end of it all, I thought that I had lost everything. Over the course of a year, I spend over $200,000 on my video production company. I gambled on success and thought that I had made it. When things fell apart, I was ready to give up on life. That's when I found out that throughout my journey, I had made a lot of friends who truly cared about me. They all came to my side and let me know that my life was worth something more than what I had achieved (or didn't achieve). My company may be in shambles, but I still have my talent, my friends and my family, so now it's time to rebuild. To all of my friends who came to my aid and stood by me, I can't say enough about the love that you showed me and how much I love you. There are no words. You are irreplaceable.
I want to tell the truth about my life and about my failures. You see, life in Japan is not what most of you think it is. It's constant disappointment and miscommunication. After 20 years of living in this country, all I have to show for it is (2) failed marriages and a string of failed relationships and businesses. Yes I have had some success, but nowhere near where I'd thought I'd be by now. This is a tough country to live in, even for the Japanese (which explains their high suicide rate). Japan has a way of opening the door just wide enough for you to see the gold on the other side, but not wide enough for you to reach through and grab a piece. About the only thing good that I can say came of my journey here are my (3) beautiful angels, Octavia, Julian and Jordan.
Which brings me to another point. We are all chasing the dream of success and while I have had some mediocre financial success, it was at the cost of losing the relationships that mattered the most. But being a fool, I always rationalized to myself that once I made it big enough, I would go back and try to fix those relationships. The problem is, "Big Enough" never came. The more money I made, the more I spent to make more money. It a vicious, never ending cycle. In the process, I lost the only thing that should have truly mattered, my relationships with my three children, my family and my friends. So I say to anyone who will listen, don't ever make my mistake. The most important thing you could ever have in your life is your family and good friends. Don't EVER take either for granted the way I did. I truly love all three of my children and now I have to swallow my pride and work hard to try to rekindle those relationships try to be a better father to them.

My Interests

LOVE, World Peace, Human Relationships and Black Awareness

I believe that we ALL need love. I don't care what anyone tells you. From the hardest gansta to the coldest business person, anyone's heart can be soften by true love. Now there might be some fellas out there reading this thinking that I'm soft, don't get it twisted, I'll still beat that ass down if you try to hurt me or my fam, but I'm just being real. What can I say, I'm a Virgo, we're romantic by design. Remember these words: There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING, not your career, not your bling, your cheddar, your whip, your castle, NOTHING that could compare to the love of a good woman.

I'd like to meet:

I'll be leaving Japan for good very soon. Not sure where I will go or what I will be doing, so anyone interested in hiring an entertainment veteran who has choreographed, produced and directed everything from TV commercials to MTV Music Videos to Musicals and Live Concerts, give me a shout. I'm a certified teacher of Final Cut Pro and other video editing and motion graphics software. I am a digital video and technology whiz and I've worked with some the most advanced equipment on the market, including Panasonic's P2 series cameras. I've also worked as a branding and strategic marketing consultant for Fortune 500 companies like Disney, Microsoft and BMW. Basically anything that deals with visual presentation whether it's design or marketing and branding or theatrical performance, I'm your man. In addition, I speak Japanese fluently.

Positions I'm interested in (but not limited to) are:
A&R Manager for record label
Artist Development for a production company and/or record label
Video Director
Artistic Director of a dance school or company
Executive position for a company and/or with an artist looking to break into the Japanese marketplace with something exciting, cutting edge and new.

I would like to meet the woman of my dreams. Someone like Tyra Banks. Someone with a mind, a body and a soul. Intelligence and a good heart are absolute musts. She also has to be driven and ambitious. I want to settle down and be with one woman for the rest of my life. If there's anyone out there like that, please let me know.


All positive music is good for the soul.

The funkiest entertainer on the planet and without a doubt my favorite artist, "Erykah Badu". If you ain't heard, you better ask somebody!

Erykah in a rare moment:

Another Queen who doesn't get her proper respect: Heather Headley

The voice: Christina Aguilera. She's got to be one of the best singers in history. The girl is phenominal!


The Color Purple, The Last Samurai, Friday, Remember The Titans, Gladiator, Snatch, You Got Served, Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, Payback, A Few Good Men, Mississippi Burning, The Tuskegee Airmen, Brown Sugar, Be Cool, Malcom X, Predator, Drumline, Kings of Comedy, Queens of Comedy, Lilo and Stitch, Malibu's Most Wanted, Rundown, Raising Arizona and too many more to mention...


The Practice, The Shield, Def Comedy Jam, The Simpsons, King Of The Hill, The Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, OZ, Star Trek (all of them), JAG, American Idol (Don't even try it, you know you addicted to the shit too), MTV, CNN, Animal Planet...


The Holy Bible, Egytian Yoga, The Hobbit, The Broder Files, Emotional Intelligence, The One Minute Millionaire, Rich Dad - Poor Dad, Big Brands - Big Trouble, Selling The Invisible, A whole lot of business, advertising and marketing, and spiritual books (gotta feed that brain and that soul).


GOD Almighty

Jesus Christ, Malcom X, James Earl Jones, Richard Pryor, Debbie Allen, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett (this man is genius), Oprah Winfrey, The Samurai Warrior, Asari Keita, Children of the ghetto, My mother, My great grandmother, My ex-wife, All of my teachers in both dance and martial arts but especially Sensei Parker who was a 7th degree blackbelt in Aikido when I first started studying with him. He is now the highest ranked non-Japanese in the world! He lived and succeeded in Japan in an era when foreigners as a whole, and black people in particular, were treated terribly. This man broke down all racial barriers to become one the most respected martial artists in Japan and ultimately the world. Thank you Sensei Amos Lee Parker for leading the charge through door so that a young brother like me could be somewhat accepted in Japan. We as black men owe you a debt of gratitude and we live through your accomplishments.