WOMEN, Fashion, Photography, Music, Movies, Books, Sport, Outdoor, Nature...
Winter sports (Snowboard), Travelling, Lifestyle, and more...
People with dreams, visions, ambitions, self confident and open minded...
but down on earth and with their feet on the ground!
When you feel down, please do remember that there will always be someone less fortunate than you somewhere out there! Therefore please help support:
Rock 50' 60' 70', Alternative, Ambient, Blues, Dance, Electronic, Folk, House, Jazz, Industrial, Indie, Garage, Grunge, New Wave, Brit Rock, Reggae, Warp.
Citizen Kane (best movie ever)!
and then check:
IMDB Top 50 indies
Don't watch television at all!
My favourite ever:
Adventure, Romance, Fantasy, Osho, Holy Grail documents and History, New Wave, Geography
My mother, my father, my whole family and my dearest friends, cos they really mean a lot to me!!