Sky Blue Hope profile picture

Sky Blue Hope

The opposite of war isn't peace, it's creation...

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Graduated (12/05) Business College in NJ for/as "Computer Information Specialist"...(kind of a joke though, I thought I was learning more complex graphics, but they tricked me!-lol) it ended up that I sas taking more or less the same courses I had already taken 2 years ago at a different computer school.
Anyway, when I was like 17 I started an on and off "career" of go-go dancing.-(had to lie about my age at first). I was not a sleazy type of your stereotypical exotic dancer. I danced hard and tried to actually become more and more entertaining, it wasn't just about tits and ass, (although admittedly sometimes it really was about "sexy", but usually it was a form of artistic self-expression for me.) I liked it because it gave me freedom to work different places every night, and I liked it because it allowed me to "use" (experiment with) the guys who came into the bar as kind of my "guinea pigs", I'd dance, sing, (at the right clubs) and they'd all end up singing along, so it was fun to "experiment" with working an "audience" that way.
I've had jobs in offices, diners, bars, night clubs (Peppermint Lounge, NYC), etc, while on the "off" part of my dancing jobs...then at 29 I hit this spiritual epiphony/awakening (if you would). Then a friend had generously bought for me these 3 beautiful new guitars, electric keyboard, amplifiers, everything and anything you would need to play and practice, books, lessons (excellent guitar teachers), anything....I think it was God's way of paying me back when just no more than six months before those 3 guitars, I was on my way to a dancing booking, and had decided that night, I wanted to take every single costume I had, (I was in the mood to change each set), so I put every last pair of heels, make up, accessories, EVERYTHING, into this huge bag. Every last g-string and pair of heels and boots I owned. I set it down for 1 minute at what I thought was a safe, suburban bus stop bench, walked across the street to make a call from a payphone real quick, and when I turned around, that bag was just gone!! I was in shock at first, couldn't believe it could disappear that fast. I mean, who would want some bag when they don't even know what's in it? Hope they're at least happy with a bunch of g-strings and stuff...I laugh now, but I was furious then.
Kind of like that straw that broke this "camel's" back....I cursed the Heavens, I told God I would never pray again, I was so angry, you can't imagine. I gave him (God) the finger, that's right, I flipped him "the bird", told him I hated him, etc, etc. If you had seen me that day, you'd of thought I was certifiable. I told God that we/people were nothing more than chess pieces on some game board for Him to mess around with. So, I had NOTHING to go to work with. Imagine taking a hand from a pianist, or a tool from a mechanic, etc, it's the same thing, my costumes were everything for me to go to bookings and earn money. So I had to start completely from scratch. Actually had to borrow a g-string from another dancer, how humiliating that felt. Anyway, met this friend, and ONLY a friend, like I said, I was never sleazy, never slept around with customers or managers after work. It/dancing to me had always been a form of self-expression, and actual "entertainment", and an art form. Not all dancers are hookers too, despite the stereotype people imagine when they hear or "picture" exotic dancers, at least most people.
But this guy I met at this one bar went a little crazy with buying me a lot of things. (Okay, so maybe I just let him because I felt why not?, after all my "stuff" being stolen, so I totally needed "things" lol). It started out with clothes, (AND ALL THE COSTUMES I COULD EVER DREAM TO HAVE, THREEFOLD WHAT I HAD LOST, coincidence? I say not!), also a bed and this absolute gorgeous headboard, anything and everything I wanted and didn't even need, too much "material" things to even remember them all and list here, but you get the idea. And then...the treasured, precious, beloved best gifts of all (NOT just another "material" thing(s))...the 3 guitars....Baby, my gold Les Paul Gibson, Plunky, my six string jazz guitar, and Jewel, my beloved Takamine electric/acoustic 12 string guitar.
The keyboard is electric and I'd find my "melodies" on the keyboard first, then transfer over to the guitars. I actually prefer writing poetry/lyrics, and would love to hook up with someone who can put them to music. Anyway, I practiced obsessively to the point I was doing it in my sleep, and was hoping to substitute the guitars with other "crutches" in my life at the time. I had played guitar in high school, but nothing compared to the way I learned to play them when I turned 29 and had my "awakening".
I practiced besides my Roger Waters songs I loved so much, pentatonic scales in majors and minors, five modes ascending/descending, till my fingers felt like they would drop off. I actually got on my knees and thanked God, and apologized for cursing him out (of course), kissed the guitars after each practice, and was so grateful for them and what I did have, rather than dwell on what I didn't have and still don't have. It really was a pivotal turning point in my life spiritually speaking.
I have always written poetry (I know, BORING!) I have never sat and read a poetry book in my life, but writing poems are another story, I do however memorize many lyrics to many songs I love). I do graphic art, fractals, Bryce, wmv. presentations, animations, word art, screen caps, etc, currently. Am inspiring to finally learn to make my Poser 5 work for me instead of it looking like the program was written in Chinese or something). I love to incorporate art with music. Music tells a story, music is the universal language of the world, music, is everything to me. I find much inspiration in not only music, but meaningful, deep, cool lyrics as well, I'm a "lyrical" type of person. I'm open to being turned on to new kinds of music all of the time...also, a lot of good movies I find "inspire" me...well, I could go on forever here, so that's that, for now... lol ;)
Click on pic for Alanis Morissette web site:
Click on Stuart Townsend as Lestat animation right below for my original "Stuart as Lestat" screen cap gallery:
NOW, meet DavidR. A cool artist, good friend, cute guy, and where the heck where guys like this when I was 20? ;)
He's THE most photogenic, wise and strikingly handsome vampire/man in this world today, he's Don Henrie, aka The Vampire Don: (click on first pic for Don's myspace page)
Click on banner to get to Don's official website:

My Interests

Music, guitars, piano, martial arts (kung fu especially, and anything Bruce Lee), good movies, vampiricism, writing poetry, other's deep lyrics, graphic arts, hand drawn art, multi-media promoting, movies, most vampires-real ones and some fictional (Lestat), open-minded people, for real people, people who don't play head games, above all else, true unadulterated love, also love cats, especially black cats..(but love all animals too!)

Some of my "babies":

"Sky" Sites/Forums/Galleries:

Sky's (my) Original Poetry-(On

My art gallery on

My art gallery on

Graphic Artists United II-(On

Graphic Artists United-(On MSN):

"Truth"-Sky's Poetry on

Sky's Gallery on

Sky's Poetry on

Sky's gallery on TerraNuts:

Come and check out this new and totally awesome website/forum, register and log in for free!!:

I'd like to meet:

Stuart Townsend, Roger Waters, Andy Fairweather Low, David Gilmour, Roger Hodgson, Criss Angel, David Navarro, Alanis Morissette, Johnny Weir, Evgeny Pleshenko, Johnny Depp, Cesar Millan, Dilana Robichaux - (click HERE ). A LOT of people, the list can go on, and then finally....a very long time from now, Jesus.

Click below link/pic for the official "Mind Freak" website for Criss Angel:

Click on pic for USA figure skater Johnny Weir's official/personal website!:


I can't even begin to list all the music I have loved in the past, present and future....the most recent "turn-on" for me is most of the songs from the "Queen of the Damned" soundtrack though...

"Eleanor Rigby"
© The Beatles

Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people

Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?

Father McKenzie writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working, darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there
What does he care?

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?

Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people

Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved

All the lonely people (Ah, look at all the lonely people)
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people (Ah, look at all the lonely people)
Where do they all belong?


Queen of the Damned (goes without saying,-CLick HERE for my org. qotd scr caps) The Rapture (MUST see-Click HERE for audio sample), Underworld, Pirates of the Caribbean, Blow, The Libertine (just about anything with Johnny Depp in it), Born Free, Natural Born Killers, Apocalypse Now, Kill Bill 1&2, Eyes Wide Shut, A Clockwork Orange, Powder, Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar the musical, JCS-the PBS video-tape production, But....I'm A Cheerleader(cute, romantic, funny, and a moral), Thirteen (touched me right in the heart), Pink Floyd's The Wall, The Who's Tommy, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen-Click HERE for my "LOEG" Org. Screen Caps) , Bram Stoker's Dracula (with Gary Oldman), The Scarlet Letter (with Gary Oldman-Click HERE for my org. screen caps), La Femme Nikita (the original French version-Click HERE for my org. LFN Series Scr. Caps), Braveheart, The Passion of the Christ, Dances with Wolves, A Normal Life (intense), Troy-(Click HERE for my org. Brad Pitt in Troy scr. caps -Also, click HERE for Orlando Bloom org. scr caps in Troy-by request), Love Story, John Lennon "Imagine" Documentary-(Click HERE for 3 audio bytes from this), The Matrix, Constantine, The Addiction (a realistic vampire movie with a short appearance by Christopher Walken), Wuthering Heights, Lost and Delirious, Where Angels Go...Trouble Follows, anything with Bruce Lee!-(Click HERE for my org. Bruce Lee Scr. Caps,) The Girl with the Pearl Earring, (wish they'd start showing some really old Beatles movies or something,) Rocky Horror Picture Show, Godspell, Purple Rain, Dogville (Nicole Kidman/James Caan), American History X-(Click HERE to hear extremeley intriguing audio bytes from this), Dancer in the Dark, Salmonberries, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (original and remake), The Red Violin-(Excellent!), Planet of the Apes (all of them), Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid, Donnie Darko, Ruby in Paradise, Kama Sutra, Mahogany, Memoirs Of A Geisha, Private, Interview With A Vampire (despite Tom, House of Flying Daggers, Freedomland, Full Time Killer, Rent-(the movie), The Island, Fun With Dick and Jane, The Phantom of the Opera, Lorenzo's Oil, The Secret Garden, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, (still thinking of more)....
Stuart Townsend as Lestat in "Queen of the Damned":
CLICK ON PIC FOR DEPPIMPACT.COM-A most excellently comprehensive and photo gallery thorough Johnny Depp Web Site!:
Johnny Depp
"Pirates of Caribbean 2-Dead Man's Chest"
Gerard Butler as/in Dracula 2000:


Come and visit my new Dilana (from Rock Star Super Nova) MySpace Tribute/Fan Page, the link is right below this, just click on the Dilana banner below to go to the page!:
"I was falsely accused of a hideous crime and sentenced to life in prison. One day I was taken from my cell to a place called Section One, the most covert anti-terrorist group on the planet. Their ends are just, but their means are ruthless. If I don't play by their rules, I die". - from "La Femme Nikita"
Here's one of my top "LFN" recommended sites. Owned by another "die-hard" LFN fan and a friend, Cynthia, it's called just "CynbtheSea". She also has sections for members fan art, original art, original LFN screen caps, and poetry, etc, including mine, here's the link!
Another highly excellent "La Femme Nikita" Web Site is called "LFN Forever", here's the link for that:
Click the following pic to check out my new-ish myspace group "La Femme Nikita Forever", and find out more about this series - (LFN video clips in group bulletins):


When I used to read a lot more, I read a lot of Stephen King. Most recently all of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. Oh, and "Clan of the Cave Bear" turned out to be a really good book...when I think of more, I'll add them... ;)

Click title/link below for Anne Rice's official Web Site:

Anne Official Web Site


Don Henrie - "I have always believed that to live by creating other leaders is much more admirable than to have followers. The leaders that you create will become faithful to you as you were the spark that created that fire in them."

And, if only he could be actually real ... "The Vampire Lestat" (as played by Stuart Townsend in "Queen of the Damned"). Originally based on Anne Rice's "The Vampire Chronicles" book series. God Bless his brat-prince heart!! And of course, Jesus....but, what is the defining definition of a "hero?, it could mean many things... :)

Click on banner/link below to check out my mspace group, "Vampire Truth and Legends":

Now featuring on group, "My Interview With A Vampire Photographer", click on this title/link to go directly to go directly to topic with interview and pics:

My Interview With A Vampire Photographer
TJ Pendragon

My Blog

No More Charades

NO MORE CHARADES I'm tired of the gamesThe parties and the charadesIt's all like a big jokeThe false festivity of the parades The parades with the costumes so unrealIs how this situation has becomeI c...
Posted by Sky Blue Hope on Fri, 04 May 2007 04:53:00 PST

The Unnumbing

THE UNNUMBING Never thought it would be like thisGotta brush again for a big fat kissEvery ten minutes he's taking a pissThe simpler life is what I miss Day after day, after day, after dayCan't rememb...
Posted by Sky Blue Hope on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST

A Little Birdie Told Me

A LITTLE BIRDIE TOLD ME You'd think I was crazyThe dream was so hazyI know my reasonsTo love you all seasons It seemed so realBut depressed I now feelEmpty and lonely till I'm with youA little birdie ...
Posted by Sky Blue Hope on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 05:43:00 PST

World Figure Skating Championships from Tokyo - starting March 22, 2007

This week is the start of the World Figure Skating Championships, starting on Thursday, March 22, 2007. I'm not sure of the exact time yet, or even the exact channel (definitely on ESPN if not on...
Posted by Sky Blue Hope on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 11:31:00 PST

Poor, poor Johnny Weir

I didn't post the details in the previous Johnny Weir blog I posted before this one, I only put the screen caps I had taken of his short program from the U.S. Figure Skating National Championships. Wh...
Posted by Sky Blue Hope on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:48:00 PST


METAMORPHOSIS Major changesNothing stays the sameMakes you who you areI know it sounds lame The pain, the frustrationThe anger and rageTo learn who you areFree your soul from it's cage We all have reg...
Posted by Sky Blue Hope on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 05:45:00 PST

The Wacky Poet

THE WACKY POET A long time ago I met an authentic Hells AngelWho spoke to me only in rhymesTo me he seemed like a real angelWho could commit no crimes He took me to their 3rd St. clubhouseMan, was I n...
Posted by Sky Blue Hope on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 09:11:00 PST