NEWS JUST IN...'Laura's Diary' is being released in book form! I'm so excited!
LOOK! You can order a copy from Amazon HERE !
Love you, Laura x
music, wine, celebrities, wine, pop cul, wine, wine, friends, wine, holidays, sweets
Everyone! I'm very accommodating and there's room for everyone i can assure you!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Do you listen to Radio 1? i'd like to recommend it...
I hate this question...I'm into loads of basement jaxx, Guillemots, daft punk, mylo, chemical brothersalso love Hard-fi, Kaiser Chiefs, Kasabian, Kooksalso love Mcfly
Bridget Jones, Donnie Darko, 28 Days Later, Beaches
Lost, Anthea Turner Perfect House wife, Sweet 16, Simple Life, 'Ollyoaks
Laura's Diary - available soon - look on Amazon HERE !!
Hillary Duff, Anthea Turner