Multifarious and multifaceted. One day it might be meditating in a snowdrift on the pass. Another it might be haranguing a talk show host with a series of exposures of his inaccuracies and illogic. Another, it might be helping someone start up a small business.
Banjos, Banjo setup, cups and balls
Anyone with a fun personality, non-judgmental, spiritual, and friendly.
Must like to laugh.
Oh... and easily hypnotized. (Why should I always pay for my own drinks?) ;)
Deep thought: "If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier in cutting them down? Maybe, if they screamed all the time for no good reason."
Glen Miller, Dave Matthews Band, U2, Tears for Fears, the Cure, Coldplay, Moody Blues, Sting, Alanis Morissette, Vertical Horizon, Seal, Wierd Al Yankovic, R. Wakeman, Sarah Mclachlan, Rich Mullins, Keith Green, Smashmouth, Ray Charles, Newsboys.
Faves: Curse of the Were-Rabbit; Planes, Trains and Autombiles; It's a Wonderful Life, Groundhog Day; Merlin; The Prestige; Zeitgeist; Memento; the Matrix; the Sixth Sense; Desert Hearts; The Fugitive; UHF; The Passion.
The Magician
The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg, The Princess Bride by William Goldman, Act 2 by Barrie Richardson, Mind Myth and Magick by TA Waters, Psychological Subtleties by Banachek, Absolute Magic by Derren Brown, The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky... and childhood favorites the LOTR, L'Engle, Narnia series. Merlin the Magician
James Herriot (veterinarian), Rich Mullins (true mensch), Dr Bill Lane, Michael Yon