film production, music production, artist management, marketing, photography, graphic design, painting, modern art, journals, pen and ink, sketches, beauty, nature, philosophy, ninjas, mystics, celebrities, sages, anonymity, ego dynamics, expression, fashion, design, the ocean, surfing, yoga, fire, leathercraft, magick, snowboarding, rock shows, electronica, pop harmonies, alt. country and the creation of inevitable calm, optimism and confidence to support my well being.
I am into people, our community; meeting the creatives and the productives, the interested and the inspired. Findings ways to engage yet disengage from righteousness, certainty, pride, truth, judgement and ego---- getting 'me' out of the way of me and you.
Collaboration, cooperation, completion, celebration.
The puzzles piece explorers.
sometimes my camera work gets some airtime..haha.
deadwood si vou ple
robert anton wilson, aleister crowley, dave eggers, krishnamurti, lao tze, william burroughs, kerouac, burroughs, huxley, palniachuck, allende, lorca, langton
The kind people, the communicators, the inspired and the optimistic.