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Hit the link below for a free 16 minute demo that DJ Yockey and myself did. ~Enjoy~
Click here to listen to the live demo
One of the 5% of jobs in which you get paid to play...
DJ Mick Who?
I am a small time DJ, from a big time town, living in a small time town, with big time dreams. I'm a circuit club jock in the four-states area (not that there is really a circuit or anything).I started getting into music a very young age, and started really appriciating music's power during high school. Playing sports all year, all four years, you could almost never see me without a CD Player and headphones on during my meets and pregames. I was made fun of for looking like a moron on a regualar basis.
I am the night guy on Kissin 92.5. (that means I speep at the station and clean out the toilets. Somebody's got to do it) I mix and produce Spin City every Friday night, and eat cheese fries on a seriouslly regular basis.Rob and Lori of the Kissin 92.5 Breakfast edited my profile because I left it open in the studio again. They warned me once, but I didn't listen. Note to self: Never leave your profile open in a radio station...(Sam: Well played my friends...well played.)I came from the little port of Saint Louie, and did various club gigs during the later part of my high school career. I met a nice guy by the name of TrenRek, at a joint known as M.P. O'Reilly's, who showed me that being a DJ isn't just pressing play, and the mechanics of beat mixing. Once I became a musical addict, it was just a matter of time before I worked a radio station. So, bumping into the biggest name in radio around my college town (Joplin, Mo) in a buffet line, I begged for an internship that quickly turned into a paying job. Now I am finishing my broadcasting degree at MSSU, working toward being a producer, and meeting some really cool and talented people along the way.
I'm a Jesus Freak, only I may need to work on the whole "Moral Living" thing, but nobody's perfect...well, except Jesus Christ.......Pyzam - Gradient Green..