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I am here for Friends

About Me

All About Me:
Name: Emi
Age: 19
Birthday: December 4
Relationship Status: Dating Wylie
Favorite Color: Purple
Goals: I want to get my stories published. That's first and foremost on my list. I want to see my story Darkness out there the most. I'm going to study psychology in college, and I hope to find a job as a psychologist for the detectives and the DA. This goes along with all of the Law and Order I watch. I think it would be highly interesting to talk to the psycho murderers for the DA. (My mom thinks I'm crazy for that one)
Religion: To each their own. I have no problem with anyone else's religion. Religion is about yourself and what you believe in. But I hate it when people try to convert me. It just irks me. I've state my thoughts, I'm wiccan. If you can't like me with that, then you have no business speaking to me. I don't have the time to waste with people who would make fun of a religion they probably know nothing about.
Homosexuality: I'm bisexual, so obviously I have no problem with it. Honestly, I think our stupid country should just leave it alone. It's to the point that people are treating gays as if they are alien beings. Last I checked, they were humans, just like everyone else. Live and let live. If its not your life, you have no say over it. People really should get their heads out of other people's bedrooms.
Abortion: I'm pro-choice. I don't think the government should be involved in my choices about my own uterus. It's not their choice to make anyway. I do look down at women who use it as a form of birth control though. My aunt has had more than 2 abortions, and she doesn't seem to much care about it. That's the type of woman that pisses me off. But I'm not going to say her right to choose should be taken away. How can you tell a rape victim that she can't abort her child? Or what if the mother could die in the process? A friend of mine has that problem. If she were to get pregnant, it's possible her uterus might tear open. I'm sure she wouldn't be able to do it, but if the need arised, I wouldn't think less of her if she got the abortion. In fact, I'd want her to because I wouldn't want her to die. There are too many circumstances that can be looked at.
Drugs: I'll just say it now: I am extremely against the use of drugs. And I'm not talking prescription drugs that the doctor has given you, unless you're abusing it. I have seen way too many people have their lives screwed over because of drugs. I have seen the sweetest people turn into the cruelest right in front of my eyes. Keep the drugs away from me. If you really wish to do them, whatever... I don't want to hear about it, or see you doing it. You do it in front of me, and you can be sure I'll tell you off or call the police. I absolutely hate it, and if it goes too far, I will walk away.
Depression/Suicide: I've had a few serious suicide attempts, and I am a cutter. (No, not former-cutter. I'm still working on it.) I hate that people call people with depression crazy. We put this huge taboo on it, and all we do is end up hurting people instead of helping to stop it. Honestly, if this stupid world would get a little bit of compassion, it wouldn't be as shitty as it is. But alas, most people in the world are ignorant idiots, and not much will change that. Honestly, if people took the time to research and look at the facts, they would probably think differently. I understand someone hating it to an extreme because someone they know did it, but you can't throw that hatred onto people who are suicidal. It's not an attention grabbing thing. Part of it might be a cry for help, but it really is a problem. It sickens me when people attack someone suicidal and call them crazy or a lying attention-grabbing whore. People who do that have no life, and have to soul.
This is me. If you don't like it, then go away.
Taken from Anna:

My Blog

To those taken off and wondering why

I did a lot of cleaning up with friends lists yesterday, and yes, I do have a reason to what I'm doing. Most of the ones I have taken off I have met through Doyle, so I'm sure once you hear of the bre...
Posted by Emi on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 05:49:00 PST

Comedy Quotes

The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job...
Posted by Emi on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 09:28:00 PST

Back Concession

Back ConcessionWritten by Tony SullivanTyped out by Emi Kidman Here I sit in back concession Writing out my big confession Bored as hell and all alone Free refills is the constant drone I think I mi...
Posted by Emi on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 05:37:00 PST

Some funny stuff just for Tony

If you look in a mirror and say "Chuck Norris" three times, he will appear and kill your entire family... but at least you get to see Chuck Norris.Chuck Norris frequently donates blood to the Red Cros...
Posted by Emi on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 10:26:00 PST

And now its over....

You would think that by now, pain and heartache wouldn't be such a big thing. For all I have gone through though, it still gets to me. My heart still aches when people leave, because its evidence than...
Posted by Emi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Oh Beast!

I wish to have Beast's blue furry love children That is all...
Posted by Emi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST